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About Me

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If you can read this, you don't need glasses. I'm Dan. I'm an exercise science major at william paterson university and I love to exercise and work out. I know how to work hard, especially in the physical realm. I've been in the shoes of the obese kid; I understand that mindest very well. I don't smoke and don't plan to anytime soon. I have 2 jobs, I tutor anatomy and physiology and writing at William Paterson University. I want to be a cardiac rehab technician and dietician/nutritionist after college. I seek to learn everything I can about the great machinery of the human body and all that it can do. I am interested in meeting anyone who has a love for physical activity, exercise, nutrition, or all 3. The more I can learn, the better. It would be awesome to meet a girl who shares my passions, but at the same time I am not holding my breath. Right now I am content doing my own thing and I am trying to live every day to the full with no regrets. It is easy to say one will do something, but something entirely different to actually go through with it. I think thats all I can think of for now. The videos are funny in my profile, watch them for a laugh ;)
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My Interests

The human body, nutrition, exercise physiology, weight lifting, hockey, New York Rangers, tae bo, comedy, glucose and glycogen, recovery from exercise, lipids, protein, creatine monohydrate, muscle milk, accelerade, running up steep hills, my ipod, beautiful women, whole wheat pasta, egg whites, fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fibers, pondering life, sport-specific training programs, music, reading, men's health magazine, many other things...

I'd like to meet:

No one from myspace, they are all crazy, My future wife/girlfriend, Henrik Lundqvist, The holy trinity (God, The Holy Spirit, and Jesus) Billy Blanks


just about anything


I like a lot of different movies, so I will just say I like comedy, action, horror/thriller, and maybe a couple romance


Mythbusters, New York Rangers, Dirty Jobs, Build it Bigger, Man vs Wild, Survivorman, How it's made, Cash Cab, Yes, Dear, The King of Queens, Seinfeld, Everybody Loves Raymond, infomercials thats about it


The Bible, The jungle, fast food nation, fat land, don't eat this book: fast food and the supersizing of America, the 5 people you meet in heaven, when God writes your love story, when dreams come true, my anatomy and physiology textbook, anything dealing with health and nutrition, men's health (even though it's a magazine)


Billy Blanks, Daniel (from the Bible), Jesus,