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How can you trust anyone if you cant trust someone you love?

About Me

Alright, let's see...Obviously my name is Kristi. I am 21 years old now. Not that it matters really, cuz I don't like alcohol. Dunno why though. Anywayz, I have a beautiful baby girl. Her name is Kallie Lynn. She is now almost 2 years old!! She's adorable and she means the world to me! I can't imagine my life without her. I have a lot of sisters. Haha, I kinda lost count. Let's see, there's Corrine, Heather, Brandy, Tonya, Tabie, Denielle, and Jessica. And one brother, Mikey. I know what you're parents were busy. Just my dad. And we are not even going to touch that subject. I have my mother, who can be a pain in the ass at times, she helps me more than I could've asked with Kallie. She supported me throughout the whole time (mostly). I do love her and I do appreciate everything she does for me. Let's best friend in the whole entire world is Evan(MUFFIN). He's a really great guy and I know that he would do anything he can for Kallie and me.I think I'm doing pretty good for myself. I'm in a sane place, despite all the fucked up shit I had to go through to get here. Thank you to everyone that has stood by me and helped me through everything...and I know you know all the shit I'm talking about. And a special thanks to all my sister's, without them, I'd be nothing...The End..HAHA There is something else I have to of the FUNNIEST songs I have ever heard...Got it from Evan, who got it from Key West...."SCROTUM, SCROTUM, AN UGLY LITTLE FLAP OF SKIN. SCROTUM, SCROTUM, IT'S JUST A SAC TO KEEP THE TESTES IN!!!"
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My Interests

In My Daughter's Eyes By: Martina Mcbride....In my daughter's eyes I am a hero I am strong and wise and I know no fear But the truth is plain to see She was sent to rescue me I see who I wanna be In my daughter's eyesIn my daughter's eyes everyone is equal Darkness turns to light and the world is at peace This miracle God gave to me gives me strength when I am weak I find reason to believe In my daughter's eyesAnd when she wraps her hand around my finger Oh it puts a smile in my heart Everything becomes a little clearer I realize what life is all aboutIt's hangin' on when your heart has had enough It's giving more when you feel like giving up I've seen the light It's in my daugter's eyesIn my daughter's eyes I can see the future A reflection of who I am and what will be Though she'll grow and someday leave Maybe raise a family When I'm gone I hope you see how happy she made me For I'll be there In my daughter's eyes

I'd like to meet:

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The lyrics to the following song hit really close to home. I cried the first time I listened to it. It's called Holy Water by Big and Rich... width="425" height="350" ....""Somewhere there's a stolen halo I use to watch her wear it well Everything would shine wherever she would go But looking at her now you'd never tellSomeone ran away with her innocence A memory she can't get out of her head I can only imagine what she's feeling When she's praying Kneeling at the edge of her bedAnd she says take me away And take me farther Surround me now And hold, hold, hold me like holy water Holy waterShe wants someone to call her angel Someone to put the light back in her eyes She's looking through the faces The unfamiliar places She needs someone to hear her when she crysAnd she says take me away And take me farther Surround me now And hold, hold, hold me like holy water Holy waterShe just needs a little help To wash away the pain she's felt She wants to feel the healing hands Of someone who understandsAnd she says take me away And take me farther Surround me now And hold, hold, hold me And she says take me away And take me farther Surround me now And hold, hold, hold me like holy water Holy water""

My Blog


Okay, I wrote this poem a little more than a year ago. Those of you who know me, know what this poem is talking bout."Thanks to You"You hurt me when I was vulnerable.And deep inside I thought you coul...
Posted by Kristi on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 12:07:00 PST


James and I finally got settled into our apartment. We couldn't be happier. It's awesome living without parents. And Kallie is doing perfectly well here. Haha, we are one big happy family. She has two...
Posted by Kristi on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 10:07:00 PST

About Kallie and James

Kallie I remember when I got pregnant, pretty much everyone (excluding Brandy and the sperm doner) wanted me to get rid of the baby. And granted, I did think about it. But I just couldn...
Posted by Kristi on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 09:17:00 PST