Dr. Huxtable profile picture

Dr. Huxtable


About Me

I love hugs.Im 19 years old. I talk too much, i've been told so very often as a child. I enjoy music whether im playing it, listening to it, or talking about it. Food is a big yes, friends are essential, sleep is cool sometimes. Im interested in surrounding myself with genuine, honest people with whole hearts, people who don't need a reason to care. IM me: yo soy adammmusically: www.myspace.com/antietamnh www.myspace.com/maudslayIf i dont know you i probably wont add you unless you message me first.

My Interests

Punk rock, Tube amps, D.I.Y., Wishful thinking, Chill jams, Food, Culture, Ideas, Laughs.

I'd like to meet:

Those who keep digging.


Latley... Toe, Unwed Sailor, Torche, Weedeater, Capsule, Brainstorm, Kaki King, Ol' Dirty Bastard ---------------------------------------------Usually... Sleep, Loma Prieta, John Fahey, Radiohead, Melvins, Boris, The Last Emperor, Make Believe, Capsule, Baroness, Helms, Battles, Coliseum, Kidcrash, Noothgrush, MF. Doom/Madvillain, Band of Horses, Pygmy Lush, Akron Family, Don Caballero, Do Make Say Think, Kaki King, Jose Gonzalez, Tides, Monarcs, Earth, Sonic Youth blah Blah BLAH


Sister Act, Akira, Babel, Apocolypto, Annie Hall, Thumbsucker, American Beauty, American Pie, The Life Aquatic, Trainspotting, Waking Life, The Rules of Attraction, High Fidelity, Wet Hot American Summer, The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy, The Animatrix, The Matrix Trilogy, Fight Club, Zombie movies, anything cheesy, anything that will make me think, anything that will keep me from thinking.


The Office, South Park, King of the Hill, Aqua Teen, That 70's show, The Maxx, Cowboy Bebop, Home Movies, Simpsons, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Futurama, Family Guy, Power Rangers (Every generation), Robot Chicken, Cosby, Seinfeld, Everybody Loves Raymond, Project Runway, So You Think You Can Dance, X-Men the animated series (90's version)


Animorphs, Spiderman Novels, Catcher in the Rye, Anthem, Flowers for Algernon, Le Petit Prince, The Cthulu Mythos


therjseries: for one scene, i wore a skirt and grabbed my own butt therjseries: but its like a close up, so you cant tell My dads the dude in the middle. pretty fly.