NEWS:Sorry for all of the messages, everyone. I sent a complaint to myspace so hopefully this we'll be fixed soon. Apparently someone has lot of time on their hands and has nothing better to do.4/8/2007 - Dear Bands,
Congratulations, you have ruined myspace. We've had to block you. We probably don't know you, like you, or interested in you and your spam, and little myspace networking tools. However, if you actually know us, like us, hate us, or miss us, send me a message and we'll actually talk like real people.ChrisHappy New Year!Vince has taken over booking the Bamboo Kids and barely ever checks myspace. So don't be mad if he doesn't return your myspace emails promptly. If you want to get in contact with him right away he checks his big people's email almost [email protected]!XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
In a culture growing tired of itself, it's rare that you hear a band that
might actually still give a shit. Pounding out rock and roll devoid of
irony or trends, New York City's Bamboo Kids seem to be one of only a few
bands that have no wall dividing their hearts from their music. No wall
dividing gutter fun from social conscience.The Bamboo Kids have taken the celebrated garage rawness of their
self-titled first album and injected it into a much fuller and more
powerful sound.There is no filler on this album, only rock and roll at its finest.
Thirteen rabid songs that make America's idea of heaven FEEL LIKE HELL and
hell like a place you just might want to go on a Saturday night.BUY "FEEL LIKE HELL" NOW BY CLICKING HERE!