Channing Quinn profile picture

Channing Quinn

I'm goin' for a walk and I won't be back until you know my name because none of us are the same...

About Me

Those who don't know magic suffer worse than anyone. I’m just a fruit... hanging pretty on a tree, flashing my dainty leaves as you walk by.Just waiting for you. Ripening. Exuding intoxicating, floral scents to lure you."Eat me."Please.Or I’ll rot from the inside... and die..My seeds may never grow.I am designed to be irresistible.It’s my survival.And yours.You have my support in the shadows of your mind...Please watch the following videos, they have the potential to save your life... if you're a good listener. ;) Your health is something like 98% established by your diet."The Most Astonishing Health Disaster of the 20th Century":
China's FDA solution (comic)CBN reports on the nightmare of MSG in our food supply:"How the Food Industry is Deceiving You":"The Future of Food" - Intense information about genetically modified food:Splenda is toxic... Check it out:More information about Splenda:LOOK FOR THESE TWO INGREDIENTS IN ANYTHING YOU CONSUME AND AVOID THEM LIKE THE PLAGUE!"Splenda(Sucralose)"READ ABOUT IT:"Aspartame(Nutrisweet, Sweet n' Low, etc.)"READ ABOUT IT: www.dorway.comLOSE WEIGHT HEALTHFULLY AND NATURALLY, check out Dr. Pearsall's you tube videos for tons of information and tips:'s great buddies with one of my favorite health "gurus", Dr. Mercola. He's very informative and cool. Check out his you tube videos. They're full of extremely valuable information: you are interested in your own health, please regularly visit the following websites: and www.naturalnews.comThey are potentially saving millions of lives..

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

Honesty, Clear Visions, Clear Future, Cleanliness of Body, Heart, Mind and Soul, True Love, Healing, Education, Spirituality, Consciousness, Children, Beautiful Art(subjective), REAL Health, NON-RELIGIOUS/ORGANIZED Love/God(non-gender/entity specific), Auras/Energy/Light/Colors, All forms of Life and Cycles, Laughter/Humor, Enchanting/Beautiful/Gentle/Happy Music, Babies of all kinds, I basically live for genuine emotional Euphoria. Rainbows seem to play a part in this among many other things such as Flowers, Animals, the Souls of others - Anything that lives, is conscious, experiences genuine sensation, etc. I am here to serve as a vessel of sorts for the ideas of Love/God(non-gender/entity specific) and also to live as an expression of those ideas. I basically despise anything that I can recognize as "betraying love". I LOVE RATTIES!!! They are so awesome. Granted, I've always absolutely loved all plants and animals, but ratties are just.. my kinda animals :) They eat my left overs, kiss my hands, clean my nails, trim my cuticles and PUR!(in their own ratty way) What more can one ask for in a pet??? They do tricks, they sometimes like to dunk their heads in cups of water, they'll wrestle with your hands, chase anything you drag in front of them, and sometimes they'll sleep sprawled out on their backs. On top of all of this...? They are more intelligent than cats (actually they are consciously equivalent to a 2.5 year old non-verbal human child), as playful as kangaroos and actually play in almost the exact same way. They're as loyal and loving as dogs if not more so. In fact - There is a saying that goes, "dogs look up to us, cats look down on us, but rats see us as equals" and damned if it ain't the truth. They are my babies and they know I am mama. If you like the sound of ratties, visit my website for more information: http://www.../mamarattyIf you want to learn more about aura colors, check out Pamala Oslie's website at you want to not get cancer or, if your a bit more lucky, if you do not want to die from Alzheimer's, you should take your physical and mental health into your own hands and RESEARCH THAT SHIT, man!!,, etc. Google that shit to DEATH. Seriously. The info is out there. They're not going to feed it to you with a spoon, unlike a quick - or slow - and certainly painful and unpleasant Death. Whatever it takes to turn you into a walking dollar sign, y'know. Don't be ignorant. Save yourself. Save your children. Save the rest of the poor fools! Commercials are EVIL. The media is Evil. Money money money. Evil. Death. NO!

I'd like to meet:

I would LOVE to meet people who think like this:"The more you give, the more you get - The more you laugh, the less you fret - The more you do unselfishly, the more you live abundantly - The more of everything you share, the more you'll always have to spare - The more you love, the more you'll find... that life is good and friends are kind - For only what we give away... enriches us from day to day..." (source unknown)I am interested in meeting anyone who is capable of understanding true love in general. Anyone who is interested in what Quantum Physics is proving to be reality, aura colors, color therapy, therapy in general, psychology, and so on. I am almost always happy to make new friends in general. RAT LOVERS we need to unite! C'mon now. I am also always open to healers and those who love honestly, truly and deeply - in my life. They are my "real family". (and my rats) haha... I enjoy meeting new friends to have fun with and be crazy with, in good ways of course... none of that bad I hate myself craziness. God, Santa Barbara is scary... oh right, and I like to meet people who've grown up in NON-americanized cultures. YAY for NON-americanized culture! Foreign people who DON'T idolize the US are awesome. :)


Harry Nilsson! (Check out the music from "The Cuppy Cakes" on my friends list :P) Jamie Lidell... ...The Helio Sequence, Regina Spektor, Belle and Sebastian, Loquat, The Cardigans, Cat Stevens, Tracy Chapman, Dead Can Dance, They Might Be Giants, Queen, Enigma, Cranberries, Portishead, The Beatles, Enya, Billy Holiday, Aphex Twin, Cocteau Twins, Bjork, Chris Isaak, Peter Paul and Mary, Sinead O'Connor, Sade, Danny Elfman, ELO, Flunk, UB40, Jamiroquai, Leslie Gore, Perry Como, Tom Jones, Stevie Wonder, Talking Heads, VNV Nation, Mr. Bungle, and on and on and on...


The Future of Food, Sweet Misery, Who is Harry Nilsson and why is everyone talking about him?, Kundun, Ghandi, 2001 A Space Odyssey, Harold and Maude, Secret of NIMH, Blades of Glory, Bambi, The Land Before Time, The Point, etc.


Ultimately I really HATE TV (especially commercials ARG!) but the following are usually exceptions: Shalom in the Home, Honey We're Killing the Kids!, Meerkat Manor, Ren and Stimpy, Carebears, Strawberry Shortcake, Animal Rescue, Backyard Habitat, The Simpsons, Futurama, Southpark, What Not To Wear, etc.


"2001 A Space Odyssey" by Arthur C. Clarke"Aura Colors" by Pamela Oslie."Stranger in a Strange Land" by Robert A. Heinlein."Mutant Message Down Under" by Marlo Morgan."Illusions - The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah" by Richard Bach."The Art and Practice of Compassion and Empathy" by Margot Lasher, Ph.D.."Tony and Tina - Color Energy" by Anthony Gill and Christina something..."How To Make Your Dreams Come True" by Pamela Oslie."Golden Apples Of The Sun and R Is For Rocket" by Ray Bradbury"The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran.EVERYTHING that Kahlil Gibran has ever written is absolute pure genius.Randomness of Henry Miller... and Ashleigh Brilliant! Perry Bible Fellowship cartoons are also very entertaining at times. Very offensive at other times lol.


"The more you give, the more you get - The more you laugh, the less you fret - The more you do unselfishly, the more you live abundantly - The more of everything you share, the more you'll always have to spare - The more you love, the more you'll find... that life is good and friends are kind - For only what we give away... enriches us from day to day..." (source unknown)

My Blog


It's all about poor communication.Simple and pure... throw in a boat load of fear and wow.Messy children... break things then hide.I feel like such an old lady... I don't have the energy for these gam...
Posted by Channing Quinn on Wed, 07 May 2008 01:25:00 PST

What can I say..?

I had short hair when we met.You had practically none.No one has ever loved you like I do..When we met, my hair was short. You had almost none.No one has ever loved you like I do.No one ever will love...
Posted by Channing Quinn on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 11:53:00 PST

My eyes wont let me hide.

Love is... walkin’ together... talkin’ together... stayin’ together...Mourn for love.Mournful love.I’ve gone much to far for you now to say that I’ve got to throw my cast...
Posted by Channing Quinn on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 09:24:00 PST

My religious views...

Sometimes I think I am a religious person. I have a fairly structured belief system that changes as I learn things, of course, but I hold them very close to my heart and they affect the way I look at ...
Posted by Channing Quinn on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 12:13:00 PST

Love is the answer to a question that I...

Have forgotten.But I know I've been asked... and the answer has got to be love. Has it always been this way? Is it possible that all this magic went unnoticed? Maybe now things will start to change....
Posted by Channing Quinn on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 08:58:00 PST

Important lyrics to Harder Hit by Loquat...

What's this trail right down here? It's not going anywhere. Even the stems look too strong And hard to break apart. And look at you, blank as night. I guess you don't care. Whatever does it mean ...
Posted by Channing Quinn on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 10:58:00 PST

Emotional Upheaval

I don't know how to start this, really.I'm in a strange place. Alone, sure... but with so many people in mind...Yeah, I do feel lonely right now. But I always feel that way.. usually.The only thing I ...
Posted by Channing Quinn on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 12:09:00 PST

Dreaming of the end of the world

So I just woke up... from a crazy dream.In the beginning of the dream, I was going to a movie with friends that was supposed to be the scariest movie I'd ever see. As we were watching it, I entered th...
Posted by Channing Quinn on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 09:00:00 PST

Hey there Channing...

Hey, life...I'm here to let ya know.That I deserve it.And I'm not afraid.I'm not afraid of you... or you... or you or you or you.I can't imagine real fear.It's all here right in front of me... there's...
Posted by Channing Quinn on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 11:37:00 PST

Thank you, Life.

The things that I am grateful for today. 07.16.07An apple and peanut butter were available to me for breakfast today. We had quatro fromaggio cheese and wheat tortillas for me to cook for lunch. I am ...
Posted by Channing Quinn on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 12:40:00 PST