Learning about anything, reading, having mommy son time, and hanging out. Doing hair is always an interest for me!
I'd like to meet the man of my dreams... really I dont think he is out there or is he already here but until I figure it out the fairy tale lives on. Most important I would like to meet my Grandfather Marratto. I was told he was a great man.
I used to like everything but bluegrass but a good friend let me listen to a couple of songs and I found out that day that I do like bluegrass... suprise to me. You shoud always give things a second chance. My taste in music is lke my taste buds... they change and mature.
I pretty much like all movies. I have a lot of cheesy 80's movies and the collection is ownly getting bigger! But like I said I like a wide range of movies. I am not a huge critic like some people I know.
I think my favorite is to watch the Disney Channel and not cause of the kid but because I enjoy it.
If you know me then you know that my favorite books are the Harry Potter collection. The fact that I read most of them let a lone even one is amazing for me. Thanks to Potter I am more in to reading. Although when I do finish I will be sad... til I re-read them.I even got the time turner necklace!
I have lots of people that inspire me... my father who faught so hard to keep his life going for his children. My grandparents for all the struggles and pain that they each have endured. My mother for caring for my father, and making life as normal as she could possibly make it. She loves me no matter what I do... truly unconditionly. And last my son for saving my life!