but mostly kayaking, florida, movies and swigwam sessions with Tam, (see pic below) etc.The I Ching will scare you, ask good questions.
a dream, coming true before my eyes
oh, and also....
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People who want to be/do/have more today then they had yesturday.Robert Kyosaki,Napolean Hill,Ben Harper,Albert Einstein,the dalai lamma,
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Ben Harper, Tool, Ani Difranco, G Luv & Special Sauce, Cake, & more.Anything good, anything with soul, anything pushing the boundaries out. and soad, cause their scary, but just so darn good!
The Science of Getting rich, by Wallace D Wattle. Napolean Hill's Think and Grow Rich. Robert Kyosaki's Cashflow Quadrant. The One Minute Millionaire. The Power of Focus. These books have the POWER to set you FREE. Great stuff.
My father, who's attitude let him walk when the doctors said he never would again.Chris and Joni Budd, mentors, teachers, and friends. Janis Koehler, a visionary close to realizing her vision. Katie Foss, IQ 70, wisdom infinite.Anthony Robins, Robert Kyosaki, Napolean Hill, Wallce D Wattles, Ghandi, Einstein, etc, etc, etc