Love AFL
Demons Premiers 07!
I also have a soft spot for netball, especially that of the mixed variety
In an attempt to categorise ourselves/feel exclusive/find a friend, Freckle Mo and myself have "given birth" to the following groups, or clubs if you will...
1. The outcasts - pretty self explanitory
2. Lame-os Annonymous - for those with insanely lame senses of humour
3. The i bake cakes for peoples birthdays Club - novelty cakes are our calling
4. (my personal fav) TAV TOUR 2006 - different uni tav each friday arvo :D
feel free to show interest in joining any of the above, we know there have to be others out there like us... somewhere.....
I have the greatest friends ever, so it would be greedy of me to ask for any more
Although, I would love to talk to anyone with carrot chopping pointers, that would be much appreciated.
Don't waste my time if you're racist - condemming and a whole fucking 'race' on an unfair stereotype exaggerated by the media is so wrong grrrr
. . .
A few top bands/ artists:
*Funeral For A Friend
*Sarah Blasko
*Brand New
*Something Corporate
*Death Cab For Cutie
*Eric Clapton
etc etc etc
Hmmmm Zoolander, The Green Mile, Anchorman, Lost in Translation, Eternal Sunshine Of the Spotless Mind, Team America, Harold and Kumar, Saw etc etc
I ♥ The Golden Girls
*Refer to top friends*
They are all brilliant:)