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the idiots who invented flat shoes, my great great grandfather, christopher walken, ann raynd, and the voice overs for family guy.
GreenDay, Mars Volta, French Kicks, My Chemical Romance, Josh Rouse, Jack Johnson, Death Cab for Cuties, Deftones, Fall Out Boy, Kenye, Luda, 30 Seconds To Mars the Sinatra's, MC CHRIS " she's a go getter, dressed in a sweater, we watched black hawk down together, her names heather, theres no better, didn't want to go but i had to let her" Michael Buble,Roofus Thomas, CCW, Miles Davis, Ray Charles, Jerry and the Hip Swingers, Beethoven, Jimmy and the Soul Blazers, Black Keys, Bobby Darrin, Glamour Puss, Taxi Chain, Skindred, Franz Ferdinand, Gorillaz, OK GO, Alkaline Trio, The Used, JJ Vicars, Weezer, Dandy Warholes, Strokes, Kasabian, the theives, french kicks, fiona apple, my uncle josh, mickey avalon, david gray, sia furler, ben barefoot, nomo, cold war kids, muse30 Seconds To Mars - From Yesterday
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one tree hill, oc, the hills, connan o'brien, jay leno, everybody loves raymond, reba, americas next top model, the inferno (hahaha), house, csi, punk'd, 10 years younger, what not to wear
history books (cities, towns, ect) atlas shrugged, the odyssey, the illiad
my mom, hulk hogan, dan mcvicker (rip), my friends