ms.heather profile picture


Sorry, I have a tendency to do that

About Me

I'm not one for routine, I like to make homemade slushies and milkshakes, my friends mean everything to me, I like watching certain sports on TV and some in person, I confuse alot of people, I talk really fast, I easily become a work-a-holic, I smoke yet tell everyone I'm trying to quit all the time in hopes I'll actually believe it someday and do it, I love my apartment, I hang out with my cats when I get off work, I miss my friends back home, I love new music, I like going to the bar but not the club, I love bonfires, house parties, roasted marshmallows, and wine. I eat cheese and crackers alot and watch old re-runs of TV shows, I'm addicted to reality TV late at night and have alot of thinsg in my place that are nice to look at but I never use, I find things to use in my blender, and I like to make brownies but I don't like to eat them
| View Show |"Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to."
In a world of nonsense, everything something is, it isn't, everything it would be wouldn't, and everything it wasn't, was.I'd rather people hate me for who I am, then love me for who I'm NOT -Kurt Cobain.TeenageVelocity
lets get outta hereYou're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on. -D. Martinmy crazy toledo crew

My Interests

sleeping in, reading, writing, changing, tv, movies, skating, food, wine, ciggarettes, shoes, new people, new music, new everything, hiking, sports, gambling, partying, sleeping, my friends, concerts, pictures, bubble baths, nacho cheese

I'd like to meet:

the idiots who invented flat shoes, my great great grandfather, christopher walken, ann raynd, and the voice overs for family guy.


GreenDay, Mars Volta, French Kicks, My Chemical Romance, Josh Rouse, Jack Johnson, Death Cab for Cuties, Deftones, Fall Out Boy, Kenye, Luda, 30 Seconds To Mars the Sinatra's, MC CHRIS " she's a go getter, dressed in a sweater, we watched black hawk down together, her names heather, theres no better, didn't want to go but i had to let her" Michael Buble,Roofus Thomas, CCW, Miles Davis, Ray Charles, Jerry and the Hip Swingers, Beethoven, Jimmy and the Soul Blazers, Black Keys, Bobby Darrin, Glamour Puss, Taxi Chain, Skindred, Franz Ferdinand, Gorillaz, OK GO, Alkaline Trio, The Used, JJ Vicars, Weezer, Dandy Warholes, Strokes, Kasabian, the theives, french kicks, fiona apple, my uncle josh, mickey avalon, david gray, sia furler, ben barefoot, nomo, cold war kids, muse30 Seconds To Mars - From Yesterday

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the big labowski, pretty in pinkt, sixteen candles, the breakfast club, borat, music and lyrics, last boyscout, godfather I, II, and III, scarface, a bronx tale, a knights tale, monty python, memoirs of a geisha, drive me crazy, XXX, pacifier, RV, troy, alexander, heathers, virgin suicides, girl interrupted


one tree hill, oc, the hills, connan o'brien, jay leno, everybody loves raymond, reba, americas next top model, the inferno (hahaha), house, csi, punk'd, 10 years younger, what not to wear


history books (cities, towns, ect) atlas shrugged, the odyssey, the illiad


my mom, hulk hogan, dan mcvicker (rip), my friends

My Blog

A little life lesson

I've never believed now more than ever that things happen for a reason. There's not a single thing in my life that I can say came from nothing and will end up being nothing. I was here which led me th...
Posted by ms.heather on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 03:11:00 PST


When the pawn hits the conflicts he thinks like a king What he knows throws the blows when he goes to the fight And he'll win the whole thing 'fore he enters the ring There's no body to batter when yo...
Posted by ms.heather on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 10:15:00 PST

About Me

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:Heather BaxterBirthday:March 29 1985Birthplace:Andrews, TexasCurrent Location:Toledo, OhioEye Color:BlueHair Color:BrownHeight:5'5"Right Handed or Left Handed:R...
Posted by ms.heather on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 01:05:00 PST