Mr. Jack And The Daniels profile picture

Mr. Jack And The Daniels

About Me

We started out in 1990 as a fourpiece band, led on by the ever present Lars Clausen. Lars was - and is - a big Dwight Yoakam fan, and before we started writing our own songs, the setlists counted a lot of Dwight´s songs. Later on in 1996 the bassplayer started music-college and parted with the band. Luckily we were fortunate enough quickly to hook up with the ever stabile bassplayer Gregor Forte, with whom our drummer Michael really can trust his beats. And speaking of Michael. He has a lot of forces - namely one is to keep things simple and clear. Michael´s been with us since the beginning.In 1999 the band had help recording their 3rd album "On A Dusty Road", from the pedalsteel player Leif Bruun. He played steel on a couple tracks, and when it was time to get payed after the recording was done, Leif said: - Give me 2000 and let me sit in at the next gig! After that gig, at Skanderborg Festival ´99, he joined the band permanently. Mr. Jack And The Daniels was now a five piece band.Also one of the founders of the band back in 1990, was Morten Donslund. Morten played a mean and very personal guitar, wich made him one of a kind. He left the band in 2004 to persue a career in Ireland as a computer-trouble-answer-questions-guy.The wonderfull Anders Lampe stepped in as new guitarist a couple weeks later. Guess we´ve been lucky in that department! Due to Anders´ expertise, the band took on a different direction. A more modern sound, and a severely tighter musical expression. ... and continues to evolve!

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Member Since: 02/09/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: From the top: Michael - Gregor - Anders - Lars - Leif
Influences: Cash, Nelson, Yoakam, Lovett and we guess a fraction of what Nashville spits out at the moment. Also our own personal influences and of course the wives, kids and girlfriends.
Sounds Like: ... it´s supposed to!
Record Label: In The House Records
Type of Label: Indie

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