joking; story telling; dancing on hardwood floors; my knee high boots from '88; word magnets; kaleidoscopes; spelunking; karst/grassland/cross timbers restoration; social ecology; r/evolution; string theory; eastern Europe; checking out live music; deja vu; homemade pear preserves; local lore; maps; bats; opossums; ant eaters; deserts; dry creek beds when flooded
Camping/canoeing participants. Someone to go to the art museums with- we could ride the TRE. Show goers, Dance partners, story tellers, rabble rousers, planters, constructors, deconstructors, givers, takers, and people that make things happen. Guys with balls.
Cocteau Twins; Stereolab; Cat Power; (smog); Will Oldham; Edith Frost; Joanna Newsom; Joy Division; New Order; Nancy Fortune; Brian Eno; Syd Barrett; Adult.; the Human League; Lush; Galaxie 500; (way early)Hole; Babes in Toyland; Bjork; the Creatures; Siouxsie and the Banshees; the Cure; Pixies; the Breeders; Tortoise; low; Pavement; Silver Jews; Mudhoney; Sonic Youth; RTX; T Rex; Rolling Stones; Led Zeppelin; Betty Davis; the Smiths; (early) Sinead; Boards of Canada; Hazel Dickens; Johnny Cash; Willie Nelson; Neil Young; Unwound; Glass Candy; Black Mountain; Pink Mountain Tops; Feist; Beach House; Blitzen Trapper; Phosphorecent; Faun Fables; Sleepytime Gorilla Museum; the Pointy Shoe Factory; the Night Game; lo-fi chorus; Mandarin; Stumptone; Dove Hunter; Faux Fox; the Baptist Generals; George Neal; the Theater Fire; Oceanographer; the Naptime Shake
The Wizard of Oz; The Hills Have Eyes (the original); The Shining; Somewhere in Time; Head Office; True Stories; Logan's Run; all John Hughes, John Waters, Hal Hartley, Michael Moore and John Sayles- especially Matewan; I like documentaries, scary shit, and movies that are heavy in thoughtful dialogue.
Six Feet Under; Texas Country Reporter; Curb Your Enthusiasm; Significant Others; Northern Exposure; Weeds; Mad Men; Free Speech TV; The Weather Channel; all Sid and Marty Krofft- especially Electra Woman and Dyna Girl
non fiction science and history; The Metamorphosis; The Jungle; Realativity; The Pedagogy of the Oppressed; The Lorax. I am currently reading The World Without Us by Alan Weisman. I just finished Not In Our Classrooms, Why Intelligent Design is Wrong for Our Schools. Textbooks are fun! I also love Biographies.
Rachel Carson; Cesar Chavez; Einstien; Copernicus; Galileo; Gary Paul Nabhan; Madame Curie; Margret Mead; Che Guevarra; Winona La Duke; Susan B. Anthony