tattooing. mac geekiness. graphic design. random acts of the unexpected. combining all of the above.
cool people into tattoos. girls with minimal drama attached. electronic / industrial music freaks. those who are here [in this space·time] with a purpose. fellow time travelers from the future.
oh.. and kitties, bunnies, duckies and squirrels. lots of 'em.
electronic. industrial. ambient.
old school chicago punk.
80's & 90's alternative.
see: skinny puppy. spacetime continuum. massive attack. system 7. meat beat manifesto. autechre. jane's addiction. dieselboy. early chili peppers. ministry. naked raygun. pegboy. coldplay. radiohead. fugazi. old metallica. rage. quicksand. killing joke. nin. chemical bros. kyuss. banco de gaia. squarepusher. fsol. joy division. danzig. cocteau twins. underworld. tear garden. pain teens. godflesh. zombie. boards of canada. ice-t. corrosion of conformity. perry farrell. beasties. amon tobin. higher intelligence agency. orbital. zep. floyd. sisters of mercy. qotsa. revolting cocks. tangerine dream. µ-ziq. aphex twin. dead can dance. x. prodigy. young gods. tool. frontline assembly. porno for pyros. public enemy. lush. interpol. gorillaz. social d. eat static. klaus schulze. loop guru. soundgarden... + tons more...
kubrick [clockwork] [shining] [2001].
evil dead.
grand canyon.
tim burton.
run lola run.
planes, trains & automobiles.
groundhog day.
the wall.
kids in the hall. mr show. seinfeld. mythbusters. south park. simpsons. family guy. ren & stimpy...
...but on the whole, fuck tv.