Lefty Uno profile picture

Lefty Uno

Heroes come and go, but Legends never die... ([adultswim] all kids out of the pool)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

2008-04-27 - Few minor changes. Nothing special... just put some borders around my top 8 pics. I also have alot more music on my playlist. I get bored alot so I tend to add alot of music when I get bored.

2008-04-20 - Well I added like maybe 10 songs? The number one spot goes to Jefferson Airplane's version of "Today", a song which I believe was originally performed by Tom Scott... and who's original song was sampled by Pete Rock for the beat to "T.R.O.Y" which just happens to be the number 2 spot. I would have loved to have the original song but I couldn't find it on ProjectPlaylist.com . Most of the other ones are some of my all time favorites from various artists in various genres.

2008-04-18 - And here I am changing my page up again... yes, another Lefty Uno original... 100% lovemyflash free and with no added preservatives lol. Enjoy the show...

2008-03-24 - Heh heh..."kick rocks"... Well, what can I say? I missed my old page so I decided to bring it back. Not much has changed other than the background for the playlist... oh and for those of you that think the playlist automatically starting is annoying, I turned autoplay off. No you can actually sift through it and pick a song you like so you can listen to it while you read the non-sense on my page.

2007-06-26 - The revamp is well underway. Finally put something up on the "favs" section, as well as got rid of the random pics section (because I haven't had any random pis on there for like over a year now and it was kinda of stupid to have it up and not have any pics up on it.) I've changed some other things here and there but you're just gonna have to figure out what. Oh, my page is approved by Buckwheat now, and not Peter Griffin. Peter wanted too much damn money since he's all sorts of famous now so I gave em the boot and told em to kick rocks.

2007-06-25 - New layout, new playlist... and still more changes on the next edition of this old house with bob villa... or just Lefty's myspace page... whatever. Hope u enjoy the music.

This Page is Buckwheat Approved

0-- If you've come here in the hopes of getting some pizza, or possibly a smoke and a pancake... sorry but you're gonna have to do a search for that somewhere else. If you're lucky, it might come out your cdrom drive. I've heard that can happen... right about the time that monkeys flew out of my ass and aliens came down to earth to tell us that life is just a big joke played on us by the plutonians who are in a war with the mooninites. DAMN THOSE MOONINITES! SPACECATAZ!!!!
1-- If you're an idiot, DON'T BOTHER TO READ THIS PAGE. "How do I know I'm an idiot?" you ask? Simple, if on your "books" section you wrote something along the lines of "I don't like to read/books are for people with nothing to do"... chances are you're an idiot. Pick up a book and learn something. This page has alot of words... let me re-emphisize it... THIS PAGE HAS ALOT OF WORDS. If you don't like to read, move it right along buddy.
2-- This page might contain words and images that you find offending. If so, I've got a nice hot cup of "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" steaming for you.
3-- At times, I might not make any sense, either here or in my blogs, or in my messages. Take notice that I am always completely random, sometimes.
4-- In the event of a water landing, your seat cushin can be used as a flotation device
5-- I don't really have a 5th one. Just kinda putting some more shit on here so the idiots won't bother to read anymore.
6-- Most of the html code and images were prepared by me, SO DON'T STEAL MY SHIT! If you need html help, just ask and I will do my best to help you.
The Man? The Myth? The Legend?... nah, it's just Lefty.

Well let's see... I'm a 27 year old nicca-rican (for those that don't know, that would be the politically incorrect way to call an African American/Puerto Rican Hybrid... wtf is an African American anyway? I've never been to Africa.). Originally from...? who cares? I'm from Planet Earth how bout that? Although, most people that meet me always seem to assume that I am from New York... all those except maybe people FROM New York. Must be the way I talk (I grew up listening and still listen to hip hop from what I would call "up north" or rather "up norff" and I hung out with alot of people from New York and other such cities from "Up Norff" so I guess the attitude and vernacular rubbed off on me.

Anyway, I'm not on MySpace to tell you my life's story... and I'm certainly not here to "find love". I've found that already... and even though we are far away from each other physically and emotionally at the moment, my honey's all that I'm craving. Wondering who she is? Look no further than the number 1 spot of my top 8. The covated "wifey" spot.

Anyway, (notice how I start sentences with "anyway" alot? ["You need to learn your grammer, son!" said Tracy Morgan aka Tracy Jordan, as he walked away])... seriously though, Anyway, I'm gonna go ahead and cut this right here because I tend to ramble from time to time... and this feels and looks like one of those times... and if you're still reading this... congradulations. You're bored... now is the time for all good children to step into the light, Carol-ann... show's over... so ummm... yea... listen to my music or something.


Here's a list of some of my most "prominent" l33t sklz. Who knows, you might dig me more after you find out about em... or dig me less. Either way it goes, something gets dug, ya dig?

SKLZ-- I have the uncanny ability to name a movie (provided that its either, sci fi, action/adventure, crime, or comedy... sometimes suspense and dramas) in 5 seconds or less. All I have to do is either hear the music from it, or see like 3 or so seconds of it. Unfortunately, this skill came at the expense of countless ours in front of the television, as a youth. Neato huh?... no actually it's kinda sad, bub.

SKLZ-- As another direct affect of being exposed to too much tv, I can sing show themes like there's no tomorrow. You should hear me sing "The Wonder Years" theme song... freaking priceless

SKLZ-- I have limited ESP. How do I know? How bout I start thinking about or singing a song... turn the radio on... and THAT FREAKIN' SHIT IS ON THE RADIO! Talk about Freaky Friday. That shit always happens to me, some of the time.

SKLZ-- I can mimic several accents, as well as imitate people... and I have the shittiest spelling ever in the history of man as we know it... well maybe not the shittiest... but I CAN make you laugh, so that's gotta count for something, right?

SKLZ-- I have the extraordinary ability to do random things like say, pretend I am spider man and web-sling around. Well I don't actually web-sling... I pretend that I do. I think it's important not to take yourself too seriously, so I do the most random things imaginable. Celebrate the smallest things with a "YESSSS!" as I pump my fist up and down, like I'm pulling the horn on a mack truck... or pretend I am literally a fly on the wall around my friends to lighten the mood. Funniest shit to see, I tell yea, if I do say so myself, and yes, I do say so myself.

SKLZ-- I have other skills, but those go without saying... but I'll tell you anyway cause I'm awake, and you'll read it cause I'm typing it. Don't you like how that shit works? I do, but anyway... Video games... thats all I'll say.

SKLZ-- Oh yea, I can watch the most obscure movies and find something good in them... of course if it's shitty, it's just shitty... and there's nothing I or anyone else can say about it.

SKLZ-- I can cook a mean ass macaroni and cheese with hot dog slices! Fortunately for me, I'm the only one that really likes that as far as around the people that I know... which means there's more for me. I can cook other things but the mac-n-cheese with hot dog slices sounded the funniest. There's also my other specialty... white rice with seasoned corn beef. ummmm now that is some good eatin'

SKLZ-- I have the uncanny ability to make an ass of myself in the most embarrasing ways. I won't go deeper into this one but trust me, I can be quite the jackass. BTW, I love that word. JACKASS. I use it extensively. WTF?!?

The year is now 2007... actually has been for the last 6 months (I'm typing this in June, go figure) but who's counting. Long story short, I haven't even looked at this section even though it has always been one of my favorite sections. Just haven't really had time to actually write down all the WTF!'s I see in one day. For your reading pleasure though, I'm gonna separate them by oldies and noobies so stay tooned.

New and Improved... now with 100% more Sarcasm in Every Bite!
WTF-- Don't you hate it when you're chilling with your friends and one of them all of a sudden announces "hey, I gotta take a shit!" WTF? WhyTF do we need to know this information? My dinner and I would rather you had kept that information between you and the toilet. Last thing I need is an image of you on the pot, pushing for all you're worth. See, now you have that image in your head too don't you? (This is actually a revamp of an oldie)

Oldies but Goodies... Kinda
WTF-- Things that make me say WTF? People that say this to you..."I've got something to tell you, but you have to promise not to get mad." No, I can't promise not to get mad. In fact, I'm mad that you even said that. You know what? Don't tell me because I don't care. NEXT QUESTION!

WTF-- Guys that have main pics with nothing but their bulging muscles bursting out at you. PUT A FREAKIN' SHIRT ON DAMN IT! You're making me look bad.

WTF-- If you've never seen "Turner and Hooche". WTF? Seriously? "Turner and Hooche" is Tom Hanks 80's Comedic Gold. GO RENT IT NUM NUTS! Better yet, fuck renting... buy it. It's that good.

WTF-- When people ask me if they can ask me a question. First off, you just did. Secondly, what if I said no? Would you still ask me, or would you shut the fuck up and keep it to yourself? I'd rather you keep it to yourself at this point but hey that's just me.

WTF-- Why is it that on tv shows and possibly in real life, when a guy shows up with a bomb strapped to his chest, police pull their guns on em? what the fuck is pulling your gun on em gonna do? the man has a bomb strapped to his chest. Do you seriously think that shooting him is gonna make a difference? Wouldn't there be a possibility that shooting him might make the bomb explode? Don't you think that if he actually has a bomb on his chest, that he doesn't really CARE about getting shot because he's already resigned himself to die? Put your fucking gun away, dumb ass!

WTF-- I know it's just a movie but why is it that when gremlins get wet they multiply but yet the fuckers can walk through snow and not multiply? Am I the only one that sees this obvious flaw? WTF!?!

WTF-- All the crap coming out on dvd's these days and they still don't have early 90's gems like "Parker Lewis Can't Lose" or "ExoSquad" on DVD? WTF!?!

WTF-- People that buy spinner hubcaps and think that shit is actually cool. They'd be better off using em as frisbees or something more useful than a... a freaking spinner hubcap? Geez, that's so shitty that I'm at a loss for words. If you're a friend of mine, and you happen to have spinner hubs? Well you either A) better be ready for me to make fun of you constantly or B) get some regular hubs... or better yet, get "ballin'" and get some real rims.

My Nika

Danny Boy

Cris and her Fam


The Hidden Agent

Black Rob



My Blog

sesame street 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZeCvC4YNs8 ...
Posted by Lefty Uno on Fri, 16 May 2008 02:18:00 PST

Things I’ve Learned from the Lethal Weapon movies

1. You can be suicidal and diagnosed as such and still hold a badge and be a cop (Riggs in LW1) 2. All special forces guys from Vietnam have the same tattoo as Martin Riggs. 3. It's perfectly alright ...
Posted by Lefty Uno on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 10:56:00 PST

The Man Comes Around

"The Man Comes Around" is a Johnny Cash song that I only recently got introduced to while watching the season finale of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicals. A little back story about the show. I ...
Posted by Lefty Uno on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 04:38:00 PST

Truth and Reconciliation

It’s crazy how things happen sometimes. One minute you are looking up "Truth and Reconciliation" because you want to use that as the subject heading of your next message to someone to whom the f...
Posted by Lefty Uno on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 06:46:00 PST

Portishead’s Third... (Forth, if you count the Live album)

Ok so I got the new Portishead and even though its a bootleg, I am not sharing it and when it actually DOES come out, I am gonna pay for it. Why? Because I believe that if an artist or band is good, y...
Posted by Lefty Uno on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 06:34:00 PST

Random shit and burnt out Wii’s

whoa whoa whoa it must be some kind of epidemic running through here... Randamonium back in full affect? Better not think you hope so because then you might be just as crazy as I think you think I am....
Posted by Lefty Uno on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 12:12:00 PST

The Heart of a Monkey (old Swahili tale)

Long ago, a young monkey lived alone in a huge baobab tree hanging over the sparkling Indian Ocean. One day, a shark swam up to the monkey's tree and the unlikely duo became friends. After sharing fru...
Posted by Lefty Uno on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 02:50:00 PST

Time to go...

Hmph... random in tandem... like twin phantoms on a 4 lane highway... rolling only on the byways... unseen by the prying eyes of the uninitiated... unaffiliated... and totally unappreciated... taken f...
Posted by Lefty Uno on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 02:45:00 PST

Jigsaw falling into place...

She's have others believe that she came to me... and would claim it to her dying breath. I'd rather believe that it was a mutual attraction. Numbers exchanged, and names and faces extranged... days go...
Posted by Lefty Uno on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 02:22:00 PST

The next generation of Harris

Many don't know that my mother's maiden name is Harris, and so I write this blog about my little brother Daniel Andre Harris... or as I lovingly branded him... Danny Boy. Well what can I say about the...
Posted by Lefty Uno on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 05:08:00 PST