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Mic Specialists

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Witness the skillz of two of the worlds most innovative and uncanny lyricist in present day Hip-Hop.F1rst up 1s Detro1t's F1nest, Bo Jeezy aka The Proverb1al Sw1tchblade, cuts through any track w1th ease. Armed w1th w1sdom beyond h1s years and d1verse floac1sm, th1s prem1ere emcee can educate, enterta1n, and 1nfluence the masses as well as destroy careers w1th h1s lyr1cal prowess.Then there's Ph1lly's favor1te son, The Altered Beast, 1lla Funk the Grand Verbal1zer. This battle tested verbal techn1c1an uses the un1que blend of d1verse d1ct1on, metaphors, and brute force to g1ve the H1p-Hop what 1ts been m1ssing.... Sk1lls. Together they form the Mic Specialists, Hip-Hop's most skilled duo. The Mic Specialists are flanked by a mass conglomerate of bona fide lyricists and producers known as The Affiliates which includes: Segundo, U.N.O., BORNCrisis, NiteSkool, The Calvary Crew, and many more. Prepare yourself. You've been warned!

My Interests


Member Since: 08/02/2008
Band Members: Bo Jeezy, 1lla Funk the Grand Verbal1zer. The Affiliates: BORNCrisis, Segundo, NiteSkool, U.N.O. and a slew of ill producers and emcees
Record Label: Unsigned

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