I have many interests..mostly outdoorsie (yes that's a word..) kind of stuff including: camping, boating, jet skiing, snow skiing/boarding, softball, goin to the lake..etc. I used to play softball (catcher), but then after 2 knee surgeries, I had to give it up :(. I love to just hang out and have a great time, which is pretty easy for me since I usually have a good time wherever I am!
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I enjoy all kinds of music...DMB is my fav (as I'm sure most of you know..); grew up on classic rock--love getting the led out; pretty much anything BUT country....
#1, Definitely Seinfeld. Close #2, Weeds..soo good. Then all the usual, Sex & the City, Friends, Scrubs, Nip/Tuck, Vegas, Sports--baseball, basketball, FOOTBALL...YEAH NINERS!!!, i'm sure there's more but I just can't think of them right now......
Jesus Christ