cock puncher profile picture

cock puncher


About Me

i sometimes like to sip chablis around the fireplace on cold winter nights and think about how big of fags the canadians are. MySpace Layouts at

My Interests

kicking ass, taking names, and giving you your opinion

I'd like to meet:

jessica simpson, for the obvious, she likes booty love.


whirlwind heat, pantera, doors, fleetwood mac, one time when i took a basketball class in college, i heard this guy say "paper boy is dope", that is so true!


shaving ryan's privates, butt bangers 6, drunken angry midgets 3


i have the box set of baywatch, do you know how many lives they have saved and what contrabutions they have made to society?


i read a book once in forth grade, but i cant remember what its title was.


colonel sanders, dave thomas, kenny rodgers (the roaster), the guy that invented putting twinkees in boiling oil, and those brave soles who work so hard to make delicous hotdogs at the yesterdog, jack lalane, george forman, and last but not least, the inventer of the "SHOW TIME" mr. ron popeil.