random sparks of art in the ordinary life
walks at night
looking at the stars
walking in the rain
taking unexpected photos
People who will change my life for the better. People who will share parking lot sunsets and at that very moment we feel we could live impossible of a feat that is. Someone to just lay there and look at the stars with me. A person to stay up and talk to me even when I'm a mess. A person who will love me for me and take me for who I am. A person so will stay honest even when I don't want to hear it. A person who will not turn their back on me. A person that I will try to do my best to protect and help as much as they do for me. If not more. People who impact my life and stay with me in memory long after we can spend time together in the same room.
Movies with meaning
Movies that make you think and feel an emotion for
Something that you can relate to and want to watch over and over
Something that makes you feel amazed you were able to experience
Something with passion.
The only show I watch religiously is Scrubs
Anything dripped in fantasy that takes me away from this reality.
But my all time favorite book it Fahrenheit 451!!
Anyone who overcomes obstacles to become a better person.
Anyone who struggles with a problem and isn't conquered by it.
Someone who is willing to sacrifice everything they want for something they need.
My Grandmother is my greatest hero for raising 6 kids as a widow in a time where that wasn't acceptable.
For being there for me spiritually when she wasn't physically.
My sister is my greatest inspiration for her unique ability to make me smile and always feel great to know I have such an amazing sister.
I think we both look up to each other.
For my friends who put up with me being absolutely unstable at times and extremely insane about other things.
For the times they took me when I know I was being completely obnoxious and when I was in tears.
They are my family and my life support.
Thank've made the greatest impact on the person I am and will be.
For the military and everything they do for us and for other countries.
For their sacrifices as great as their life.
I don't know if I could ever thank them enough.