Traveling of course, traveling around the world and experiencing other cultures, spending quality time with loved ones, learning and experiencing new things, pushing myself to succeed, accomplishing goals, going for long walks and having deep conversation, speaking to people who inspire me and I inspire them, playing sports especially volleyball, 4-wheeling, sailing, boating, hiking, camping, fulfilling my dreams because you can't take it with you. Never say you CAN'T do something because you CAN. You just need to believe in yourself and find out how to overcome the obstacles.
Positive and ambitious people who bring inspiration and knowledge to my life. People who have traveled the world and experienced other cultures. I would love sit around with a nice glass of wine (or 2) and listen to them share their stories of their trip. Someday that will be Dan and I sharing our stories! Keep saving those pennies baby!
80's music baby! Come on everyone loves and misses the old Madonna, Areosmith, Guns and Roses, Poison tunes! It just makes you want to dance!
This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!
Anything I like a good romance novel or suspense novel every once in a while but what I have been reading a lot of now is inspirational novels. Always looking for ways to grow!
My Mom and Dad for working so hard and raising us the best way possible! You taught us that you can have anything you want but you have to work hard for it and look where Tera and I are now!!! We are very lucky!! Also Dan for going after a passion and turning it into a future and not letting other people dominate his decisions. Congrats Babe on your new business! You've got great support!