Saint Roxxy Magdeleine profile picture

Saint Roxxy Magdeleine

I don't know who you are or what you want, but if you threaten my freedom, I'll kill you.

About Me

My name's Roxan. I have a very low tolerance for stupid people and ravers.
If there's anything else I really want you to know about me, it's the following:
I have no interest in winning you over or what your thoughts are of me. I have just the same amount of interest when it comes to having you understand how my life works. I have no plans in restructuring my life just to make it comfortable for you to live your life. I know who I am and what I'm capable of; I don't need your approval to prove my value.
I will respect you as you respect me.
That is my only expectation.
The delusions of grandeur aren't figments of the imagination; it's just a matter of time until you realize that I'm an absolute exception to everything.
current status: more than content & unavailable
And another note: Please don't complain about my top list. The people on there are those who I keep contact with on a regular basis and they are special to my life. If you aren't there, it doesn't mean that you're not special to me, so please deal with that.

My Interests

Clubbing (goth/industrial) and dancing until I get dizzy and sore, eschatology, being around good company (ie, friends), getting dressed up for whatever occasions, cooking and baking cupcakes, wandering around a place I don't know, noticing little things about new things, making new friends despite the shyness and keeping those friends, making international pen-pals, writing, haemosexuality, androgyny, travelling, etc. etc.

I'd like to meet:

Someone with intelligence and ambition.


Mindecease, Dioxyde, Feindflug, Psyclon Nine, E-Craft, SITD, Dupont, System Syn, Fixmer/McCarthy, Suicide Commando, R010R, W.A.S.T.E., Noisuf-X, X-Fusion, Agonoize, Zentriert Ins Antlitz, Infekktion, Aesthetic Perfection, FGFC820, God Module, Necessary Response, CAT, Hocico, Xotox, HIV+, Fractured, Violent Entity, Life Cried, Tactical Sekt, Revolting Cocks, Punto Omega, Soman Schattenschlag, Velvet Acid Christ, Columbine., Syrian, Stromkern, Wumpscut, In Strict Confidence, Solitary Experiments, Wumpscut, The Azoic, Tumor, Unter Null, Glis, Melotron, Diorama, Devision, VNV Nation, Lights of Euphoria, In Strict Confidence, Massiv In Mensch, Flesh Field, Blutengel, Informatikk, Lola Angst, Apoptgyma Berzerk, Imperative Reaction, Vicious Alliance, Tristesse de la Lune, The Retrosic, Yoshimoto
- - - - - Emperor, Darkthrone, Mayhem, Japanische Kampfhrspiele, Blodsrit, My Dying Bride, Carpathian Forest, Opeth, Aborym, Kult Ov Azazel, Nokturnal Mortum, Averse Sefira, Old Man’s Child,Hecate Enthroned, Agathodaimon, Malevolent Creation, Thyrfing, Burzum, Amortis, Behemoth, Impaled Nazarene, Panzer Christ, Bathory, Ophthalamia,Thy Infernal, Obsidian Gate, Anal Blast, Vehemence, Anal Cunt, Naglfar, Maudlin of the Well, And Oceans, Bal-Sagoth, Astaroth, Kamelot, Zyklon, Mortiis, Nargaroth, Thy Serpent, Dawn of Azazel, Borknagr, Mithotyn, Thor’s Hammer, Iron Maiden, Manowar, Jag Panzer, Dragonforce, Hammerfall
- - - - - Alice Nine, Dollis Marry, Ayabie, Acelina Ma'riage, Luna Sea, GazettE, 12012, Duel Jewel, D'Espairs Ray, Sugar, The Piass, Lolita23q, I76BIZ, Dolly, Babylon, Sadie, Girugamesh, An Cafe, Megamasso, BLOOD, Kagrra, kuRt, Phantasmagoria, Unsraw, Psycho Le Cemu, GLAY, Merry, Aural Vampire
- - - - - Tool, A Perfect Circle, Tapping the Vein, Genitorturers, Miranda Sex Garden, Xandria, Lacuna Coil, Android Lust, Drain STH, The Smashing Pumpkins, Deftones, Marilyn Manson, Cruxshadows, Clan of Xymox, Stabbing Westward, Placebo, Portishead, Massive Attack, Dope, Epsilon Minus, and so on and on and on.


Too many to list.




The Metamorphosis,
Oranges are Not the Only Fruit,
The Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man,
The Man Who Was Thursday.


My parents, Maynard James Keenan, Mark Ruzicka, and Alex Grey.

My Blog

Moving out.

I have roughly two hours to write about what's been going on in my life recently.  It's always times like this that makes it hard to sum everything up when you need to. But when you're strolling ...
Posted by Roxan on Wed, 30 May 2007 10:06:00 PST

A conscious stream.

     I took a long walk to the library today after 12 hours of work.  There's a lot in my mind that I want to get rid of and there's a lot of pent-up feelings trying to escape...
Posted by Roxan on Tue, 22 May 2007 06:12:00 PST

Silence, leech, and stay out of my way.

     My life has been good these past few days.  It's been more than gratifying even though I spend most of my time working with back-breaking 8-12 hour shifts.  (I mean that ...
Posted by Roxan on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 03:18:00 PST

The sweet pea fragrance of death.

     There are new things overtaking my life that have made all the past seem like the most senselesss, most insignificant thing to have ever come across.  More than ever, I'...
Posted by Roxan on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 04:27:00 PST

Sweet child, we'll miss you.

The cracks in the pavement, match the cracks in their weathered skin, the skies a brick wall, the clouds a juggernaut each day as we know.  I stare in amazement, I cant believe this is where I li...
Posted by Roxan on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 10:44:00 PST

My third and fourth facets.

These are some long-lost writing I came across while on a short vacation at my parents'.  They were written during a really difficult part of my life some years ago so they're pretty importa...
Posted by Roxan on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 08:49:00 PST


I can't believe one stupid night threw my future endeavors away just like that.  I'm so fucked; I don't even know what to do - there's nothing I can do.  It just fucked up, one night - just ...
Posted by Roxan on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 11:25:00 PST

Hey, you're a fucking piece of shit.

With your stupid abbreviations after your MySpace name and a quick description of your current status of emotions -- DUDE, NO ONE FUCKING CARES.  You're also very lucky that no one pays much atte...
Posted by Roxan on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 09:53:00 PST

Wherever you go, that's where you are.

       Life is crazy.  It's sad and unpredictable and amazing.  The chaos is beautiful.  Only someone like me could possibly understand this.   I...
Posted by Roxan on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 11:00:00 PST


    My chest feels like it's going to explode, what the fuck is going on with me... I feel like a grapefruit is lodged in my throat and I have to take deep gulps of air just to breathe....
Posted by Roxan on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 09:59:00 PST