HOTT SEX! profile picture


Lets Get Twisted!

About Me

MY SCREEN NAME for aim is jac51490I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4don't judge me by my myspace, clothing ,looks,or first impressions... get to know me in PERSON before making your impressions based on my myspace profile...
"You smile because you are sick of crying .
You put on a smile because you are down with the tears. You wasted to much time crying and now you are sick of it. You've learned to push back your tears so no one knows what really goes on in side your head and heart. You still feel the pain but you won't cry. You find some other way to let out your anger. Some times it isn't the best way. But you refuse to have broken cries anymore!!!! (Its okay to cry. Theres nothing wrong with it.)"

(please dont)
Slap Me..

um...well i'm a bad boy with a good heart... my favorite season is winter and my favorite colors are black and blue I LOVE STARBUCKS!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! STARBUCKS KICKS ASS!!!!!!!! ..well,my name is jonathan candelaria. my birthday is 5/14/90. i am a senior in high school ., i love history but i don't think there is any field that makes much money with that so ah... i don't know what i want as a career. i am a fun loving teenager who just wants to have fun and enjoy life. i am 75% puerto rican 25% italian, irish and norweigen....hehe yeah my mom's half white .
I like to arive early to movies to see the previews, I think the best best part is the FANDAnGO commercials with the little brown paper bag dudes they are like, sooooo hillarious.....
my outer layer ---- most of the time you'll swear I'm on drugs. hehEHEHHE.. I live in QUEENS ny and am in manhattan every day just about since i go to school there. For all of my existence I lived in new york, mostly nyc and i've never been on a plane before lol. seriously though.
.. if you dont know me allready, I should warn you, I laugh at everything. But dont take me wrong... I will get angry and then I will probly stop talking to you for a long time! but I am really nice and get along with most people. most people find me funny...
I love: . . . TEChNO,trance electronica, hip hop,a lil regeton, pop, and soft music like from 102.7!!!! i love music.. couldn't imagine life without it. but of course.. my Ipod broke... so I am super sad!!!! I like late night phone calls full of laffs. but not during the day, I dont want to run up my minutes!! I LOVE EUROPEANS IN EVERYWAY IMAGINABLE they are sexy, what can I say Hmm I like chocolate ice cream haha & fucking starbucks caramel macchiatos on or at midnight on Mondays to finish writing my papers! Don't make fun of me. Ehh make me happy and buy me some=)
you can look at other things I wrote if you want to know more... so I dont have to write it over again... "so, tell me more about you... uggh... read my profile first before you asdk any questions...
DIS likes... Cockiness is the worst. There's always someone who won't find you totally attractive. Cockiness isn't a trait you're born with, so please get over yourself kthanks When you tell me your going to meet me somewhere MEET ME. dont cancle at the last minute. thats the MOST annoying thing in the world. And...... I hope Paris Hilton gets her head chopped off by a black man. If not, I'll do it myself.
I am very open minded and will listen to whatever you have to say, as long as you have an ounce of knowledge in your head, because if you don't youll be wasting your time.
I love Animals they r sooooo cUte..
My take on the world: It's fucked up.
My take on life: I love it. I love matter how fucked up it may be. It's too short, . I like to look at the facts of things, and try not to degrade someone for my opinions.
My take on guys/girls: I go for personality. .
ah. what can I say, what- ever, i'm a horny fuck. but really, i go for personality, It's a big +.
I think that guys can be assholes . And they don't think. But then again you could say the same about women. It depends.? but I rreallyerlalrelrlealyllyleyREALLY like blondes. hehe.
My take on stalkers: If you wanna stalk me, be my guestguaranteed you'll be shot with a .45. plz believe.
AND DONT FORGET: // Originally from NeW YaWk CiTy. OnLy place 2b when the Ball drops. i School in I.C.E high school IN MANHATTAN. im not you're average guy, because i know im not liike any other person. I say all the things most people are thinking that would NEVER say because truth is I - just - dont - care. ask anyone i know.
and a note to the little people: don't let ANYONE make you feel outdone because they have more 'myspace friends' than you. If they rub it in, I'm sorry but they obviously have no life.
And One More Thing: im not invincible. I know what it's like to fear. I know what it's like to cry myself to sleep. I know what it's like to smile until your cheeks hurt. I know what it's like to laugh until your stomach hurts. I know how it is to look in the mirror. and wish more than anything that a different person was looking back. I know the feeling of when you wish you were 4 years old again, when you could trust everyone, and you didn't have to hide or keep anything from people.
OO1. I don't pretend to like things, especially people, if I don't like you, you'll know.
OO2. I'm blunt & I won't lie to make you feel better.
OO3. Break my heart and I'll break yours into just a thousand more pieces in the end.
OO4. I make mistakes I am only human
OO5. don't judge me because you don't know me.
OO6. I'm a total metro // I listen to my music louuud.
OO7. S a R c a S T i c
OO8. N a R c i S S i s T i c
OO9. & @ times midly obnoxious. seriously. and if you cant take a joke t 2 u l.
O1O. i just like to call YOU my BITCH
O11. DONT stab me in the back. Trust is hard to earn back once its broken.
O12. if you try to fuck me over or play me check yourself, I have probably already fucked you over or played you 10-fold by then.
[ DiSCLAiMeR ] - you'll be wasting your time if you fall into a category below; -People who try too hard... when people who try to look Sexy, a polo ISNT gonna make your ugly face any better. People who are nothinq but liars. and/or people who talk shiit. Cheatinq & condescendinq atittudes. Superiority complexes // drama // flammers who think they are god. Really, Your not.
I'm not On here 2 b accepted or LiiKeD By everyone. thats your choice. Not Mine. If You Really Find Me The Kind Of Person You Could SeE Yourself chillin With Or Just Like My Attitude Then Feel Free To Hyperlink Yourself A New Best Friend Forever. Hollur. there are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
many other things about me... so
just ask and i will tell u
CAN SOMEONE SAY DIFFERENT LANGUAGES?!?! STARBUCKS TRITT ESEL! !!!!!!! Ich bin ein wildes, das in Verwirrung gebracht wird, schmutziger, kleiner Junge, der sein Geschlecht, Drogen, und Alkohol liebt. ich bin 25% norwiegen, 25% Puertorikaner, 25% Italiener, und 25% Ire. hehe. so Sie können sagen, dass ich ein Köter bin. Ich errate, dass Sie wissen sollen, warum ich der Weg handeln, den ich. so mache,. stimmt zu hier kommt der tiefe Stoff um mich. ----, Als ich war ein Baby das ich wurde geschmälert meine Eltern auf Grund Innengewalttätigkeit. meine Mutter mich gehabt hat, als sie war 16. mein Vater war 25. mein Bruder geboren war, als sie 15. wow war, Huh?. ich bin von meinem Vater emotional und physisch gefoltert worden. Alle meine Hauptprobleme sind von meinem verlangsamten nein gut für nichts Familie, besonders mein homophober Eselvater verursacht worden. Ich bin in gewesen und aus fördert Heime, da ich 2 war, und ich werde auch nicht Ihnen meine ganze Geschichte erzählen es sei denn Sie wollen wirklich es hören., und damit nur eine breif Zusammenfassung ist, von wie gefickt auf mein Leben ist gewesen für mich. meine Freunde meine Familie sind. Meistens werden Sie schwören, dass ich auf dem hehEHEHHE von Drogen bin. Ich lebe in KÖNIGINNEN, n. Y. und bin in Manhattan jede Woche. nur ungefähr. Für alle von meinem egistance habe ich in New York, größtenteils nyc gelebt. In Königinnen werde ich von ghetto.ganster.peoples.who.think.there.all.pimp.beacuase.the g. surounded aber ich errate, dass das abkühlen, hat jeder dort eigenen Stil. *Husten*. Ich lieben zu Partei. OMG MACHT ich LIEBE PARTEIEN. Ich SORGE mich NICHT, WIE VERRÜCKT ich HANDLE. AHAAAAA . Ich denke, dass ich sehr leicht bin, mit zu sprechen. Ich bin ein wirklich guter Zuhörer und ich bin offen und ehrlich. LIEBEN ZU confort jene in Bedürfnis und ich auch geben gern Rat. irgendetwas ich könnte machen zu helfen. weil ich zu wissen, wenn es war mich den ich die gleiche Behandlung. im Grunde ich versuche mögen würde, jeden zu behandeln, als ich behandelt. das ist sein möchte, obwohl. ich zu. versuche, wenn jemand von Ihrem, das ein Arschloch oder Stich oder einige Ein ist, der nur so auf zu gefickt ist Kein Grund, als dass eine verschiedene Geschichte. und ich auch dazu neige, Leute der Weg den sie zu behandeln, behandelt mich. ya weiß? nur zu reflektieren, wie sie sind, ob ich mag einige Dinge um ihre Persönlichkeit. ich nicht Lügner nicht mag. zustimmt. . . Wenn Sie mein Freund sind, als Sie sind mein Freund und Sie besser kennt die wahre Bedeutung, Freundschaft zu ficken,. und das nicht nur ein hangout Kumpel. und ich bin müde von Leuten ist freundlich mit mir nur, etwas zu erhalten,. sowieso, bevor ich angefangen bin. .... Ich könnte ohne den ich von Freunden mag nicht anfangen Kämpfe überhaupt nicht leben und ich mag in ihnen überhaupt nicht sein was auch immer. Sie können alle Scheiße sagen, dass Sie wollen sagen um mich und Hass auf mir alle die Sie wollen aus den dümmsten Gründen die ich. hinzufügen könnte, aber wenn Sie mich ich nicht nur berühren, werde es mag jenen Kumpel verlassen. ich bin . Ich versuche nicht, klug und ich zu ertönen, versuche nicht, lustig zu handeln, ABER VIELE SICHEREN LEUTE DENKEN, dass ich LUSTIG bin. GEE, den ich mich Y WUNDERE
Ich liebe:
Ich LIEBE BRITNEY SPEERE! !!. . . . Ich liebe Tiere die sie sind sooooo rEIZEND. Ich mag späte Nacht das Telefon ruft voll von laffs. Leben,. . FREINDS. Schule ist kühl. ... -Ich mag Schule. Ich mache gern Spaß und abgehend. Ich bin gut mit Leuten und kleinen Kindern,, Tanzen, partyingMeines nimmt Burschen und Mädchen an Ich gehe für Persönlichkeit. . Ah., was auch immer. ich bin ein horniges. aber wirklich fickt, ich gehe für Persönlichkeit, Ist Es ein großes +. Ich denke, dass Burschen Arschloch sein können. Und sie denken nicht. Aber andererseits könnten Sie die gleichen ungefähr Frauen sagen. Es hängt ab. Ich habe keinen "Typ". Meines nimmt die Welt an: Es hat auf gefickt. Meines nimmt Leben an: Ich liebe es. Ich liebe meinen., egal wie gefickt auf es sein kann. Es ist zu kurz,. Ich schaue gern die Tatsachen der Dinge, und Versuch an, jemanden für meine Meinungen herunterzusetzen nicht. Es gibt sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo viele andere Dinge um mich ... So Fragen Sie nur und ich werde u erzählen kk - ¡STARBUCKS PATEA ASNO! !!!!!!! Soy una tierra virgen, desordené, chico sucio y pequeño que adora su sexo, las drogas, y el alcohol.yo son 25% de norwiegen, 25 % borinqueño, 25% de italiano, y 25% de irlandés hehe. tan usted puede decir que soy un perro callejero. Adivino que usted debe saber por qué yo actúo la manera que hago. así, bueno. aquí viene el material profundo acerca de mí. --- Cuando era un bebé que obtuve llevó de mis padres debido a la violencia doméstica. mi madre me tuvo cuando ella era 16. mi padre era 25. mi hermano nacía cuando ella era 15. enloquece, qué?. he sido atormentado por mi padre emocionalmente y físicamente. Todos mis problemas mayores han sido causados por mi retardado no familia completamente inútil, especialmente mi padre homofóbico de asno. He estado en y fuera de fomenta hogares desde que era 2 y son ni yendo a decirle mi cuento entero a menos que usted quiera realmente oírlo. y para que sea apenas un resumen de breif de cuán jodido arriba mi vida ha sido para mí. mis amigos son mi familia. La mayor parte del tiempo que usted jurará que estoy en drogas. hehEHEHHE. Vivo en REINAS, N.Y. y estoy en Manhattan cada semana. casi igual. Para todo mi egistance que viví en nueva York, en su mayor parte nyc. En reinas que soy surounded por ghetto.ganster.peoples.who.think.there.all.pimp.beacuase.the g. pero adivino que eso refresca, todos tienen el estilo allí propio. *Tos*. Adoro al partido. OMG HACE ADORO los PARTIDOS. Yo no CUIDO CUAN LOCO ACTUO. AHAAAAA . Pienso que soy muy fácil de hablar a. Soy un oyente realmente bueno y yo estoy abierto y honesto. ADORE Al confort ésos necesitado y yo adoro también dar consejo.algo que podría hacer para ayudar. porque sé si era yo yo querría el mismo tratamiento. básicamente trato de tratar todos como yo querría ser tratado. eso es aunque. que trato a. si su alguien que es un asshole o pincha o algunos uno que es apenas tan jodido arriba a Ninguna razón que que un cuento diferente. y tiendo también tratar personas la manera que ellos me tratan. ya sabe? reflejar apenas cómo ellos son si quiero no algunas cosas acerca de su personalidad. quiero no mentirosos.bueno. . . Si usted es mi amigo que usted no es mi amigo y usted mejor sabe el significado verdadero de joder la amistad. y eso apenas un compañero de sitio. y yo me soy cansado de personas es amistoso conmigo obtener apenas algo. de todos modos antes yo empiezo. .... Yo no podría vivir sin amigos. yo no quiero empezar las peleas en todo y yo no quiero estar en ellos en todo todo lo que. usted puede decir que toda la mierda que usted quiere decir acerca de mí y acerca del odio en mí todo usted quiere para las razones más estúpidas que yo quizás agregue. pero si usted me toca yo no saldré apenas lo quiere ese compañero. soy . Yo no trato de sonar listo y yo no trato de actuar chistoso, PERO MUCHAS PERSONAS SEGURAS PIENSAN que soy CHISTOSO. CARAMBA yo me PREGUNTO Y Adoro: ADORO LANZAS de BRITNEY! !!. . . . Adoro Animales ellos son sooooo mONOS. Quiero tarde llamadas telefónicas de noche repletas de laffs. La vida,. . FREINDS. La escuela es fresca. ... -Quiero la escuela. Quiero ser la diversión y saliente. Soy bueno con personas y niños pequeños,, el baile, partyingMi toma tipos y a chicas Voy para la personalidad. . Ah. cualquier. soy un córneo jode. pero realmente, voy para la personalidad, Soy un grande +. Pienso que tipos pueden ser assholes. Y ellos no piensan. Pero por otro parte usted podría decir el mismo acerca de mujeres. Depende. Yo no tengo un "tipo". Mi toma el mundo: Se jode arriba. Mi toma la vida: Yo lo adoro. Adoro la mina por mucho que jodido arriba lo pueda ser. Es demasiado corto,. Quiero mirar los hechos de cosas, y de la prueba para no degradar alguien para mis opiniones. Hay sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo muchas otras cosas acerca de mí ... tan pregunte apenas y diré U kk - STARBUCKS CALCIA COME! !!!!!!! Sono un selvaggio, il messed su, sporco, il bambino che ama il suo sesso, le sue droghe, ed il suo sono 25% norwiegen, 25 % portoricano, 25% italiano, e 25% irlandese hehe. cosí lei può dire che sono un cane bastardo. L'indovino dovrebbe sapere perché agisco la maniera che faccio. cosí, giusto. viene qui le cose profonde di me. ---- Quando ero bambino ho preso portato lontano dai miei genitori dovuti alla violenza domestica. mia madre me ha avuto quando era 16. mio padre era 25. mio fratello era nato quando era 15. il wow, uhm?. sono stato torturato da mio padre con emozione e fisicamente. Non niente tutti i maggiori problemi sono stato causati dal mio ritardato no buono per la famiglia, soprattutto mio omofobico come padre. Sono stato in e fuori di case adottive poiché ero 2 e neanche vado dirle la mia storia intera a meno che lei vuole sentirlo realmente. ed in modo che è appena un sommario di breif di come il fucked su la mia vita è stata per me. i miei amici sono la mia famiglia. La maggior parte del tempo lei giurerà sono sulle droghe. il hehEHEHHE. Vivo nelle REGINE, il n.y. e sono in manhattan ogni settimana. appena circa. Per tutto l'egistance che ho vissuto in New York, soprattutto il nyc. Nelle regine che sono surounded da ghetto.ganster.peoples.who.think.there.all.pimp.beacuase.the g. ma indovino che fresco, tutti ha il lí proprio stile. *La tosse*. Amo al partito. OMG FA AMO I PARTITI. Non mi PREOCCUPO COME MATTO AGISCO. AHAAAAA . Penso che sia molto facile parlare a. Sono un ascoltatore realmente buono e sono aperto ed onesto. AMARE al confort quelli nel bisogno ed in io ama dare anche al consiglio.niente che potrei fare aiutare. perché so se me erano amerei lo stesso trattamento. fondamentalmente tento di tutti trattare come amerei essere trattato. ciò è nonostante. tento a. se il suo qualcuno che è un asshole o una puntura o alcuni un che è appena cosí il fucked su a Nessuna ragione di che una storia diversa. e tendo anche a trattare le persone la maniera me trattano. il ya sa? appena di riflettere come sono se non amo delle cose della loro personalità. non amo il bugiardi.bene. . . Non se lei è il mio amico di lei è il mio amico e lei migliore sa il vero significato di amicizia di fucking. e ciò appena un amico di rifugio. e mi sono stancato di persone è amichevole con me giusto per prendere qualcosa. comunque prima che prendo cominciato. .... Non potrei vivere senza gli amici. io non ama per cominciare le lotte a tutto il e non amo per essere in loro a tutto l'affatto. lei può dire tutto lo shit che lei vuole dire di me e l'odio su me tutte il lei vuole per le ragioni le più stupide che potrei aggiungere. ma se lei me tocca sono non giusto andando lo partire ama quell'amico. sono . Non tento di sembrare intelligente e non tento di agire buffo, MA MOLTE PERSONE SICURE PENSANO che sia BUFFO. GEE che si DOMANDO Y Amo: AMO I GIAVELLOTTI DI BRITNEY! !!. . . . Amo gli Animali sono dei sooooo cARINI. Amo il telefono tardi di notte chiama pieno di laffs. La vita,. . FREINDS. La scuola è fresca. ... -Amo la scuola. Amo per essere il divertimento ed espansivo. Sono buono con le persone ed i piccoli bambini,, il ballo, il partyingIl mio porta sugli individui e sulle ragazze Vado per la personalità. . Ah. qualunque cosa. sono un fuck di horny. ma realmente, vado per la personalità, È un grande +. Penso che gli individui possano essere degli assholes. E non pensano. Ma d'altra parte lei potrebbe dire lo stesso delle donne. Dipende. Non ho un "tipo". Il mio porta sul mondo: È su fucked. Il mio porta sulla vita: L'amo. Amo il mio non importa come il fucked su può essere. È troppo breve,. Amo per guardare i fatti di cose, e tenta di non di degradare qualcuno per le mie opinioni. Ci sono il sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo molte altre cose di me ... cosí appena chiedere e dirò u kk - STARBUCKS SPARKER ESEL! !!!!!!! Jeg er en vill, messed opp, skitten, liten gutt som elsker hans kjønn, rusgifter, og alkohol.jeg er 25% norwiegen, 25% puerto rican, 25% Italiener, og 25% irsk.hehe. slik De sier jeg er en mutt. Jeg gjetter De vet hvorfor jeg fungerer måten jeg gjør. slik, okay. her kommer den dyp stoff om meg. ---- Når jeg var en baby jeg blitt tatt borte fra min foreldre på grunn av intern vold. min mor hatt meg når hun var 16. min far var 25. min bror var født når hun var 15. wow, huh?. jeg torturert av min far følelsesmessig og fysisk. All min hovedproblemer forårsaket av min retardert ingen god for ingenting familie, spesielt min homophobic eselfar. Jeg vært i og ut av begunstiger hjem da jeg var 2 og jeg er ikke en gang dra fortelle De min hel historie hvis ikker De virkelig hører det. og slik at er akkurat en breif sammendrag av hvordan fucked opp min liv vært for meg. min venner er min familie. For det meste De sverge jeg er på rusgifter. hehehehhe. Jeg lever i DRONNINGER, n.y. og er i manhattan hver uke. nesten. For all av min egistance jeg levd i New York, mest nyc. I dronninger jeg er surounded ved ghetto.ganster.peoples.who.think.there.all.pimp.beacuase.the g. men jeg gjetter det avkjøler, alle har der egen stil. *Hoste*. Jeg elsker til selskap. OMG GJØR jeg ELSKER SELSKAPER. Jeg IKKE BRYR SEG OM HVORDAN GAL jeg FUNGERER. AHAAAAA . Jeg tror jeg er meget lett snakke med. Jeg er en virkelig god tilhører og jeg er åpen og ærlig. ELSKER TIL confort de i behov og jeg også elsker gi råd noe som helst jeg gjør hjelpe. fordi jeg vet om det var meg jeg liker den samme behandling. i grunnen jeg prøver behandle alle da jeg er behandlet. det er skjønt. jeg prøver til. om Deres noen som er en asshole eller prick eller noen en som er akkurat derfor fucked opp til Ingen grunn enn at en forskjellig historie. og jeg også er tilbøyelig til behandle folk måten de behandler meg. ya vet? akkurat reflektere hvordan de er om jeg ikke liker noe ting om deres personlighet. jeg ikke liker liars.okay. . . Om De er min venn enn De er min venn og De bedre vet den sann å bety av fucking vennskap. og det ikke akkurat en hangout buddy. og jeg tretter av folk værende vennlig med meg akkurat få noe. likevel før jeg blir startet. .... Jeg ikke lever uten venner. jeg ikke liker starte kamper i det hele tatt og jeg ikke liker være i dem på alle whatsoever. De sier all dritten De sier om meg og hat på meg all De vil ha grunn den dum grunder jeg tilføyer. men om De berører meg jeg er ikke akkurat dra forlate det liker den buddy. jeg er . Jeg ikke prøver lyde smart og jeg ikke prøver fungere morsom, MEN MYE SIKKER FOLK TROR jeg er MORSOM. GEE jeg UNDRER SEG Y Jeg elsker: Jeg ELSKER BRITNEY SPYD! !!. . . . Jeg elsker Dyr de er sooooo YNDIG. Jeg liker sen natt telefon kaller full av laffs. Liv,. . FREINDS. Skole er kjølig. ... -Jeg liker skole. Jeg liker være moro og avgående. Jeg er god med folk og liten kids,, å dansing, partyingMin påtar seg guys og piker Jeg drar for personlighet. . Ah. uansett hva. jeg er en horny fuck. men virkelig, jeg drar for personlighet, Det Er en stor +. Jeg tror den guys er assholes. Og de ikke tror. Men men på den annen side De sier den samme om kvinner. Det avhenger. Jeg ikke har en "type". Min påtar seg verdenen: Det er fucked opp. Min påtar seg liv: Jeg elsker det. Jeg elsker ikke minerer noen materie hvordan fucked opp det er. Det er også kort,. Jeg liker se på faktaene av ting, og forsøk ikke degradere noen for min meninger. Det er sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mange annen ting om meg ... slik akkurat spør og jeg forteller u
kk -
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !,financial,social...etc... but at the same time i just want to enjoy it, after all... you only live once ehBenny Benassi-Love Is Gonna Save Us

Add to My Profile | More VideosBenny Benassi-Satisfaction

Add to My Profile | More Videosweed 1

Add to My Profile | More VideosJack sniffing coke.

My Interests



I'd like to meet:

everybody. anybody. whoever



i love pretty much everything i love techno/trance/electronica, hip hop, pop and dancy music... but i really like soft music too like the music from the radio station 102.7... the kinda music that gives you goose bumps and gets to your heart.. i guess you could say that my favorite music is usually emotio



Name: Jonathan Anthonio Candelaria
Birthday: May 14, 1990
Birthplace: elmhurst, queens
Current Location: woodhaven, queens ( i only sleep there alot though...)
Eye Color: light brown
Hair Color: dark brown
Height: 5 '10
Right Handed or Left Handed: right
Your Heritage: 75% puerto rican and 25 % norwegien, irish, and italian
The Shoes You Wore Today: um...
Your Weakness: don't know not so much anymore, but falling in love
Your Fears: being alone in the dark
Your Perfect Pizza: lol i dunno... i like a lot of different variities...
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Find someone who loves me for me
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: lol
Thoughts First Waking Up: uhhhhh!
Your Best Physical Feature: i dunno
Your Bedtime: whenever i fall asleep...
Your Most Missed Memory: ...
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
MacDonalds or Burger King: neither
Single or Group Dates: whatever
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: lip i guess
Chocolate or Vanilla: choc def
Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee!!!
Do you Smoke: sometimes...
Do you Swear: sometimes, i try not to
Do you Sing: i like to sing, yea
Do you Shower Daily: almost
Have you Been in Love: yea
Do you want to go to College: course
Do you want to get Married: i dunno
Do you belive in yourself: yep
Do you get Motion Sickness: yea
Do you think you are Attractive: sometimes
Are you a Health Freak: not really
Do you get along with your Parents: don't have any...
Do you like Thunderstorms: lovem
Do you play an Instrument: lol hmmm no
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: yea
In the past month have you Smoked: yea
In the past month have you been on Drugs: i don't consider pot a drug...
In the past month have you gone on a Date: no, a hook up though... but with a good friend...
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: no, i live in the city, HELLO lol
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: ew no GROSS
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: nope
In the past month have you been on Stage: no
In the past month have you been Dumped: no
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: no... i totally would though...
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: no
Ever been Drunk: yea
Ever been called a Tease: yea
Ever been Beaten up: yea
Ever Shoplifted: yep
How do you want to Die: of record old age sleeping...
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: a producer or a phcyatrist(lol i don't know how to spell it...)
What country would you most like to Visit: germany!
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: blue
Favourite Hair Color: blonde
Short or Long Hair: short
Height: my height or taller
Weight: whatever
Best Clothing Style: whatever
Number of Drugs I have taken: 0( does pot count???)
Number of CDs I own: 0
Number of Piercings: 3
Number of Tattoos: 0
Number of things in my Past I Regret: like fifty billion i dunno lol


My Blog


WOULD YOU...[] come to my house to do nothing but chill?[] slap me?[] watch a movie with me?[] take me out to dinner?[] let me drive you somewhere?[] let me sleep in your bed?[] Sing car karaoke w/ me...
Posted by HOTT SEX! on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 02:40:00 PST

Some Stuff bout me

 1. ONE OF YOUR SCARS, HOW DID YOU GET IT?One on my knee, I got itwhen i was 8ye I fell down while running  after an asshole who threw a rock at me!!!!!2. WHAT IS ON THE WALLS IN YOUR ROOM?n...
Posted by HOTT SEX! on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 02:00:00 PST