Juliana profile picture


Heavy Boots

About Me

I am a mom I am a student I am tired most of the time. I love the burbs I love my family, I don't like peanut butter, or days we can't go outside. My kid is amazing he makes it good to wake up everyday.

My Interests

I am a dork apparently, I read a ton, like spend time outside, watching weird movies and really cool shows like lost. I listen to NPR, I can have relevant conversations about politics, don't I sound awesome!!

I'd like to meet:

people i've lost touch with.
My World Visitor Map!


right now i am limited to the same U2 CD that we listen to over and over and over and over again.


donnie darko...scarface...y tu mama tambien...ammor los perros...city of god...usual suspects...bowling for columbine....little miss sunshine...the jerk...everything is illuminated...empire records...mallrats...whale rider...


Lost...Colbert...Iron Chef America...House


east of eden...wretched of the earth...100 years of solitude...brief inquirey on the sublime and the beautiful...Exremely loud and incredibly close...choke...ubearable lightness of being...anything that makes me think...oh and harry potter


my parents corney but true, my mother has taken care of dad for the past ten years and my dad has fought this amazingly long battle against cancer. My kids a close second.

My Blog

My sweet sweet dad!

This is the obituary that I was lucky enough to get to write for my dad. He was amazing and this gave me the oppertunity to realize what a fun and amazing life he lead.BERGMAN Andrew I. Bergman Noted...
Posted by Juliana on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 10:29:00 PST

The Place to not get hurt

So I learned today that the place not to get hurt is the hospital.  Caleb took a face dive at Sloan Kettering and split his lip open but apparently it was the wrong kind of hospital so all doctor...
Posted by Juliana on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 04:22:00 PST

The hardest day of all

Saying goodbye to someone you love with the uncertainty of seeing them again.  I wish that there was an easy way to live life and not have to feel like everything you are doing you are doing for ...
Posted by Juliana on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 04:56:00 PST

becoming me

i have realized after having my son that i have become myself. i am complete that is all carry on i am a cornball
Posted by Juliana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST