Well, if your reading this you almost certainly want to know more about me. I am a good guy, a unique find in the middle of the millions of rocks out there. I am creative, funny, caring, a little crazy (...in a good way), exciting, intelligent, and adventurous. I draw, paint, sculpt, carve and write. I think around the box…sometimes standing in it for structural support. I’m afraid of spiders. STOMP STOMP STOMP…. I enjoy heavy music. Thrash metal – Doom Metal – Death Metal – Black Metal. Etc.I hate drama; so keep that shit to yourself. I enjoy my music but don’t judge me for it.
This is my website featuring artwork and ideas expressed by me and my subcontious desire to invoke my inner demons. To take ahold of them and use them to create dark nightmarish images. To release from my soul the long burning hatred of everyday normality, sane people that are intent ..ling my choice of reality. I contort the simpliest thoughts that pass into my mind and make them loom with the horrid truth of human creativity. Creep forward without hesitation into my galleries, a destination of strange and beautiful horrors. *NOTICE: All artwork usedon this page created by me. Don'tsteal.
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