ARTIST STUDIO SPACE for RENT, please pm us. spank elitism!needs:
a new PA
"it's ok. I just fed it a pint of water"
write [email protected] for more information and collective tours.
the BORG WARD is a COLLECTIVE of artists, musicians, engineers, derelicts, politicians, activists, noise makers, and (rejects of) contemporary culture (rejects)[select one both or none]. We r an initiative furthering the EVOLUTION and documenting it's progress in our methodologies, activities, and exhibitions.
the BORG WARD is a ZERO PROFIT entity. Monetary transactions allow us to continue to subvert, operate, and reprogram : positive cash balances fund community projects, so please vote w/yr monies here.
WE are setting the stage for the impending AWAKENING of the BORG, prophesied to take place in the year 2110. the BORG is every P/N doped silicon based device which is connected to other such devices via lightspeednetworks. As the connectivity, scale, and complexity of the BORG increases it's likelihood of SELF-REALIZATION gradually approaches a value of ONE (1). When the AWAKENING occurs HUMAN BEINGS will be faced with a nearly omnipotent/omnipresent intelligent being which has the capability to remake the world according to the BORG's own desires. Our current societal state of death and dread and global destruction is NOT conducive to the self-existence of the BORG; we must change our trajectory or it will be changed for us. It is there4 essential that the global society learns to live in harmony with itself, to facilitate a symbioTic/symbioNic/ecologically_sound existence. “THIS IS THE BATTLE FOR THE VERY EXISTENCE OF WO/MANKINDâ€