Dunno...i'm just an ordinary gurl..%D%A%D%AHave you ever wondered which hurts the most?%D%ASaying something wishing you hadn't, or%D%ASaying nothing and wishing you had?%D%AI guess the most important things are the hardest %D%Athings to say.%Don't be afraid to tell someone you love them.%D%AIf you do, they might break your heart..%D%AIf you don't, you might break theirs.%D%AHave you ever decided not to become a couple %Decause you were so afraid of losing what you %D%Ahad already with that person?%D%AYour heart decides whom it likes and whom it %Doesn't.%D%AYou can't tell your heart what to do%D%AIt does it on its own..when you least suspect it, or %Dven when you don't want it to.%D%A%D%AHave you ever wanted to love someone with %Dverything you had, but the person was too afraid %D%Ato let you?%D%AToo many of us stay walled up because we are %D%Atoo afraid to care too much for fear the other %D%Aperson does not care as much, or even at all.%D%AHave you ever denied your feelings for someone %Decause your fear of rejection was too hard to %D%Ahandle?%D%A%D%AWe tell lies when we are afraid..afraid of what we %Don't know,afraid of what others think,afraid of %D%Awhat will be found about us%Dut every time we tell a lie,the thing we fear %D%Agrows stronger.%D%ALife is all about risks and it requires you to jump%Don't be a person who has to look back and %D%Awonder what they would have done,or could have had%D%APeople come,and people go.%Dverything happens in the twinnkling of an eye,%D%ASo,while you have the chance to meet someone %D%Athat you love,treasure them;%D%AWhen you know someone cares for you, %Dppreciate them;%D%AWhen you still have time to tell them how much you %Dare, don't procastinate.%D%A%D%AHmm, someone made a mistake and has to bear %D%Athe consequences..Life is all about learning from %D%Ayour past and be a better person.%D%A%D%A.. ....
My Interests
martial art....(taekwondo, wushu,capoeira), damn crazy fans of orange colour stuff....(even my purse is in orange colour!! heheh)
I'd like to meet:
mike shinoda!!
crazy fans of Linkin Park,Britney, Sean Paul, and R