Get a scroller sign at!. . i dO tHiNgz mAh OwN wAy. . i tHiNk mY oWn tHoUGhtS cOz i LiVe Mah LifE mAh Way. . i aM oUtsPoKEN. . i aLLoW MaHseLf To Be WHo i reaLLy AM. . I KnOw WHat i want . . i dO wHaT i wANt. . aNd I waNT what I wanT. . .!!?. . . tELLiN' thE tRuTh IsN't aLWaYs gOoD bUt LyInG IsN't ALwAYs bAD. . . If tELLin' thE tRUtH mAke some1 fEeL bad, tHen LyiNG cAN be GoOD, . . GoOD thiNGS cAn cOme FroM lying, . . bAd ThINgS fROm TeLLiN' D trIUth aLtHouGH SoMEtiMES TELLin' pART iS tHe sAme tHing As tELLin' a LIE!. . .~~~ iT's u'LL hATe ME oR u'LL loVe Me. . . BIaTCH aQuO eSPeCIALLY if BiAtCH ka DIN..
I cOULd BE the GIRLof your dreaMS Or Ur Worst Nigthmare. . i Can MaKE yOuRE life A "LIVING HELL" so BEwARE...*tRue bLOoDed LiBrAn*
*CERTIFIED pasaway*
*mALaMbIng *
*ChoCOLATE Addict*
*FUN to BE wid*
*lOve c0H color gReeN*
*buhay coh ang papycoh*
*EMELARD FAVILA*kau n lng poew mag add..
[email protected]... owkiew.. mga myspacer!!! mwuahugs....
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... erotic
Your hugs are... to die for
Your eyes... light up a day
Your touch is... irresistable
Your smell is... amazing
Your smile is... amazing
Your love is... one of a kind
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