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Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field...I will meet you there...

About Me



"Whomever says and knows nothing more about me than the fact that I'm an ATHEIST

says and knows nothing about me..."I DENY God" means..I deny the denial towards MAN

If therefore my work is NEGATIVE, IRRELIGIOUS, ATHEISTIC, let it be remembered

thatatheism is the SECRET of religion itself; that religion itself, NOT indeed on

the SURFACE, but FUNDAMENTALLY, NOT in INTENTION or according to its own

SUPPOSITION,but in its HEART, in its ESSENCE, believes in nothing else than the

TRUTH and divinity of HUMAN nature.

The first and highest law must be the love of man to man. HOMO HOMINI DEUS EST-

this is the supreme practical maxim, this the turning point of the world's History"

"Ludwig Feuerbach"

My Interests
