Solar Powered People
"They'll Never Say" (mp3)
from "Hibernation"
(Three Ring Records)
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strength, effects, motion, living, simplicity......
Based in the center on the central valley, about an hour east of San Francisco, Solar Powered People have been making a name for themselves throughout California and everywhere for that matter. This four piece rock/shoegaze band consists of members: Tony Pennington, Ryan Coscia, Douglass McKinnon, Dustin Morris and Justin Betham. Over the years these five have played in many different projects, such as Long Division, Scenic Route, Fiver, Apollo Trigger and Running Riot to name just a few.Now together and feeling the mixture of influences and experiences, they have finally found themselves in Solar Powered People. The music is rich with atmosphere and space; the drums have an exact, hypnotizing drone, while the basslines provide a perfect backbone and regiment which brings all of the elements into one solid beast. Some might say Solar Powered People pull influences from bands like The Cure, Failure, Sunny Day Real Estate, Joy Division and Boards of Canada among others.We will be going in to start recording our second album on March 22nd. Any donations to help us out with the cost of recording would help greatly! We have some funds but not enough to finish everything. For a $25 donation you will receive the first wave of the new album sent out when it it finished. You will also receive a t-shirt with our new design of our current image, done by none other than our drummer "Ryan Coscia". We will also throw stickers in to complete the bundle. To donate, just click the donate button above and donate to the new album. Thank you all very much!