Kilgore Trout profile picture

Kilgore Trout

Who is John Galt?

About Me

We are the hollow men

I'm Drew. I'm a bit of a geek, but I'm not anti-social in the least. I work in theater and I'm hopelessly in love with the arts.I'm in a relationship with a wonderful, beautiful girl named Jenn, and I still don't know how I got so lucky.
These days I spend most of the time I'm not at work reading, mostly books related to philosophy, spirituality, politics, or history, but I enjoy cheesy fiction just as much.
I'm fairly obsessive when it comes to music. I tend to get lost in it for hours at a time. I used to record my own under the moniker Automate , but I've become a bit lazy recently.
I'm a proponent of interfaith pluralism, but I don't adhere to any specific creed, life-philosophy, or religion.. However, discussions or debates revolving around said subjects are something I enjoy very much.
If you'd like to have a discussion sometime, you'll find me at with the screenname: SunAlsoRises.
Or you could just instant message me on AIM at: skygreen leopard .
An abandoned shoe, a rotten tooth, a snub nose, the cook spitting in the soup of his masters are to love what a battle flag is to nationality. ..

My Interests

Music . Art . Film

I'd like to meet:

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film Waking Life, Me and You and Everyone We Know, El Topo, The Holy Mountain, The Royal Tenenbaums, Brick, Breakfast on Pluto, Outfoxxed, Dorian Blues, Rushmore, Strange Days, The Squid and the Whale, Myra Breckinridge, Spanking the Monkey, Suspira, Bitter Moon, Naked Lunch, Prince of Darkness, Jacobs Ladder, The Acid House, Boondock Saints, American Beauty, Atmosphere Girl, Lonely Jim, LOTR Trilogy, A Clockwork Orange, Paris is Burning, Chumscrubber, Trainspotting, Ravenous, Lagaan, Donnie Darko, Citizen Kane, Pride and Prejudice, Garden State, Ferris Beulers Day Off, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Pi, Wives and Daughters, Natural Born Killers, Dancer in the Dark, Renegade, Casablanca, Eracerhead, Road to Perdition, Lolita, Tron, American Splendor, The Brave Little Toaster, Xmen 2, Memento, The Spanish Prisoner, Soylent Green, THX1138, Napoleon Dynamite, Dumb and Dumber, Wayne's World, Back to the Future, The Shining, Clerks, Y tu mama tambian, Sunshine State, Punch-Drunk Love, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Akira, Princess Mononoke, Vampire Hunter D, Spirited Away, Ghost in the Shell, Baxter, Bottle Rocket, City Of Lost Children, Delicatessen, "The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover", El Mariachi, Fargo, The Unbearable Lightness Of Being, Amelie, The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Apocalypse Now television Dexter, Lost, Heroes, Carnivale, Nip/Tuck, House, Scrubs, Six Feet Under, Deadwood, Smallville, Drawn Together, Futurama, Reno 911, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Thunder Cats, Samurai Champloo, Full Metal Alchemist, Paranoia Agent, Robot Chicken, Afro Samurai, The Daily Show, Southpark, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Squidbillies, Metalocalypse, The Venture Brothers, Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Highlander, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, Heroes, Angel, Stargate, Mythbusters, Anything on the Discovery/Science Channel books Invisible Monsters, Breakfast of Champions, Galápagos, Nadja, Venus in Furs, The Maimed, The Torture Garden, The Left Hand of Darkness, Lullabye, Story of the Eye, House of Leaves, Choke, Vampire Chronicles, Wise Blood, 1984, Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, Running with Scissors, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Amerika, The Sun Also Rises, The Bell Jar, Metamorphosis, The Castle, Heart of Darkness, Lord of the Flies, Pride and Prejudice, Wuthering Heights, Chronicles of Narnia, The Space Trilogy, The Dark Tower Series, Lord Demon, The Wheel of Time Series, Animal Farm, A Requiem for Love, Fight Club, Midget, The Silmarillion, The Hobbit.
graphic novels Preacher, Grit Bath, 20th Century Boys, Blankets, The Sandman Chronicles, The Crow, Fables, Transmetropolitan, The Watchmen, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Sin City, Ghost World, From Hell, The Watchmen, Lovecraft, The Last Man, Hellblazer, Hellboy, Akira, Swamp Thing, Smax recently enjoyed music


20 albums I've been listening to frequently this month.


Waking Life, Me and You and Everyone We Know, The Royal Tenenbaums, Brick, Breakfast on Pluto, Outfoxxed, Dorian Blues, Rushmore, The Squid and the Whale, Boondock Saints, American Beauty, Atmosphere Girl, Lonely Jim, LOTR Trilogy, A Clockwork Orange, Paris is Burning, Chumscrubber, Trainspotting, Ravenous, Lagaan, Donnie Darko, Citizen Kane, Pride and Prejudice, Garden State, Ferris Beulers Day Off, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Pi, Wives and Daughters, Natural Born Killers, Dancer in the Dark, Renegade, Casablanca, Road to Perdition, Lolita, Tron, American Splendor, The Brave Little Toaster, Xmen 2, Memento, The Spanish Prisoner, Soylent Green, THX1138, Napoleon Dynamite, Dumb and Dumber, Wayne's World, Back to the Future, The Shining, Clerks, Y tu mamá también, Sunshine State, Punch-Drunk Love, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Akira, Princess Mononoke, Vampire Hunter D, Spirited Away, Ghost in the Shell, Baxter, Bottle Rocket, City Of Lost Children, Delicatessen, "The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover", El Mariachi, Fargo, The Unbearable Lightness Of Being, Amelie, The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Apocalypse Now


Carnivale, Nip/Tuck, House, Scrubs, Six Feet Under, Dexter, Weeds, Deadwood, Smallville, Drawn Together, Futurama, Reno 911, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Thunder Cats, Samurai Champloo, Full Metal Alchemist, Paranoia Agent, Robot Chicken, Afro Samurai, The Daily Show, Southpark, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Squidbillies, Metalocalypse, The Venture Brothers, Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Highlander, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, Heroes, Angel, Stargate, Mythbusters, Anything on the Discovery/Science Channel


Books: Invisible Monsters, The Left Hand of Darkness, House of Leaves, Choke, Vampire Chronicles, Wise Blood, The Castle, Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Amerika, Heart of Darkness, Lord of the Flies, Pride and Prejudice, Wuthering Heights, Chronicles of Narnia, The Space Trilogy, The Dark Tower Series, Lord Demon, The Wheel of Time Series, Animal Farm, A Requiem for Love, Fight Club, Midget, The Silmarillion, The Hobbit.
Graphic Novels:Preacher, Grit Bath, 20th Century Boys, Blankets, The Sandman Chronicles, The Crow, Fables, Transmetropolitan, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Sin City, Ghost World, From Hell, The Watchmen, Lovecraft, The Last Man, Hellblazer, Hellboy, Akira, Swamp Thing


So heres the plan. The ides of march are always at hand. And when the power hungry strike, they strike the poorest of man. And if you dare put up a fight, theyll come and fight for your land. And theyll call it liberation or salvation. A call to the youth! Your freedom aint so free, its just loose. but the power of your voice could redirect every truth. Shift and shape the world you want and keep your fears in a noose. Let them dangle from a banner star spangled. Im willing and able. To lift my dreams up out of their cradle. Nurse and nurture my ideals til theyre much more than a fable. I can be all I can be and do much more than Im paid to. And I wont be a slave to what authorities say do. My desire is to live within a nation on fire, where creative passions burn and raise the stakes ever higher. Where no person is addicted top some twisted supplier who promotes the sort of freedom sold to the highest buyer. We demand a truth naturally at one with the land, not a plant that photosynthesizes bombs on demand, or a search for any weapons we let fall from our hands. I got beats and a plan. Im gonna do what I can. And what you do is question everything they say do, every goal ideal or value they keep pushing on you. If they ask you to believe it question whether its true. If they ask you to achieve, is it for them or for you. Youre the one theyre asking to go carry a gun. Warfare aint humanitarian. Youre scaring me, son. Why not fight to feed the homeless, jobless, fight inflation?! Why not fight for our own healthcare and our education?! And instead, invest in that erasable lead, cause their twisted propaganda cant erase all the dead. And the pile of corpses pyramid on top of our heads. Or nevermind, said the shotgun to the head.~saul williams ________

My Blog

Long live the newflesh

I'm so very happy there are other disco/synth nerds in the world who want to keep it alive.. Lately I've been obsessing over artists such as Sally Shapiro, Chromatics, Kavinsky, Invisible Conga People...
Posted by Kilgore Trout on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 12:19:00 PST

Nashville pics

I have a new folder up guys, I had a great time in Nashville, and it’s looking like I may be going on tour with Dolly!
Posted by Kilgore Trout on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 11:45:00 PST

Taken by surprise...

So I just found out... I’m flying out tomorrow morning at 7:30 to Nashville, TN to program the multimedia for the European leg of Dolly Parton’s tour!Wish me luck, this is a career definin...
Posted by Kilgore Trout on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 11:54:00 PST

Dance party in Brazil

Apparently, Brazil is where it's at right now.Some of the best Dance I've heard this year is all being released in rustic villages.Try to keep up, UK!Bonde do Rolê - "Solta O Frango" ...
Posted by Kilgore Trout on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 10:59:00 PST

Tired of being sexy.

CSS, or Cansei De Ser Sexy(Portuguese for "Tired of Being Sexy), is an adorable brazilian dance-punk/electro girl-group. I've had both of these songs stuck in my head the past few days.. And seriously...
Posted by Kilgore Trout on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 05:26:00 PST

Bird Flu.

The new M.I.A. single is out.You will dance. ohhhhhh yes you will dance. muahahaha.Anybody else think M.I.A. is one of the hottest items in todays Hiphop/rap scene?She is the cure for the "Bling" gene...
Posted by Kilgore Trout on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 09:16:00 PST


CocoRosie is the most adorable group....ever.  ...
Posted by Kilgore Trout on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 04:34:00 PST

Who wants to be an Amerikan

Found this interesting short film on youtube.. hope you guys like it: ...
Posted by Kilgore Trout on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 08:11:00 PST

Wanted to be like Grace Kelly..

It seems that the loveable '70s glam-rock bravado and downright unashamed ridiculousness that we all know and [should] love is alive and well... Look no farther than Mika, a Beirut-born singer who is ...
Posted by Kilgore Trout on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 02:45:00 PST

Field Music

I don't know how many of you guys caught Field Music's debut album a couple years ago, but it was fantastic. FM channels the best sounds of the '70s along with modern indie-pop sensibilities.They have...
Posted by Kilgore Trout on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 08:58:00 PST