Sports, Movies, Meg, playin with my i-pod hizzle!, the computer, editing...Lots of stuff
Jesus...My Grandma Jenny...I think Derek Jeter, Alex Rodriguez, and Bernie Williams....O and don't forget Jessica Simpson!
Worshop Music, Rap, Alternative, contemporary Christian, Techno!, Mostly all kinds of music with a few exceptions.
Incredibles is up there!....POLAR EXPRESS! (you gotta see that!)...Dumb and Dumber...Both Ace Ventura movies, All sports movies, the Matrix trilogy...LOTS of good ones.
Sports, LOST...the CSI's...and don't forget about the greatest station ever...ESPN!
The Bible tp:// orange_clouds.jpg 20Us/Caustics%2005.jpgDifferent Fonts
Jesus...My Fam...My doggys.....