Ines profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hey there, I'm CRAZY & ECCENTRIC.
Love parties and dressing up in crazy costumes
I'm quite dramatic.
Stubborn and highly opinionated
Love movies, music, and books on unconventional topics
Generally quite chatty, but do have random quiet periods
Love to wear bright/bold/colouful/strange clothes which make me stand out, because I don't like looking ordinary/plain
Love to travel!!
Love getting up to naughty things and being a bit daring at times
I'm ALWAYS up for ANYTHING!! Hell yeah!
Not afraid to speak my mind (which has, at times, landed me in hot water!)
If you ask me for my HONEST opinion - that's EXACTLY what you're gonna get! So be careful with that one! LOL!
I'm very friendly, independent, do my own thing when/where/with whom I want, etc
I'm open-minded, liberal. Love to hear different opinions
Philosophical and extremely analytical (so i've been told?)
Love a good debate/discussion every now and again
Erratic, impulsive - love to do things spur of the moment!
Genrellay easy-going and relaxed (though stress does catch up with me sometimes and i go nuts!)
Short attention span - get bored sooooooooooooooooo easily!!
Also kind, caring, sympathetic, affectionate, fun-loving
Loyal to friends and family
Optimistic, positive and enthusiastic
Always have lots of energy for doing something NEW, different, exciting and adventurous!!
I am passionate about Justice, and the lack of it in the World.
I am equally as passionate about "truth" - I look for the truth in everyone and everything! It is my never-ending quest, and a great preoccupation for my restlessly keen and probing mind.
1-To swim/dive with a great white shark
2-Rule the World (if George W. can, then so can i! Would probably do a better job too)
3-Become a Mason (though this will be a bit of a tough one as its a "men only" society... Is there no end to this male-dominated world that we live in?)
*Genuine people
*Deep people
*food in general, all kinds! Fruit, veg, u name it. I'll eat almost anything!
*men with square, broad shoulders
*dolphins - and their cheeky smiles!
*penguins - the way they walk cracks me up!
*SHARKS! LOVE 'EM! Amazing creatures!
*nan's cooking - go nanna!
*talking rubbish and being vague (the only things i do effortlessly, and yet eloquently!)
*singing in the shower
*men with a dimple in the chin!
*resting my head on the cold side of the pillow
*the moon
*the sun
*the stars
*anyhing 'supernatural', unexplained, mysteries of the world & Universe, etc.
*watching the sunset/sunrise (usually awake for both!)
*listening to the sound of the waves and the ocean!!)
*dogs (Westies are my favourite!)
*smell of petrol
*cuddles and affection
*wrestling (especially with boyfriends! ;)
*shallowness & insincerity
*marmite! YUCK!!
*stereotypes OF ANY SHAPE OR FORM! Especially stereotypes of ''beauty'' involving women with long, bleach-blonde hair, pumped up lips, fake boobs, etc.....
*girly-girls! - they do my head in! (Except my friend Clare - i love you to bits honey!!)
*binge drinking/drinkers.........ur not as cool as u think u are. My sympathies to ur liver.
*INJUSTICE & curruption
*all weapons - they pave the way for cowardice
*being filmed or having my photo taken by others! Shudder at the thought!
*REALITY TV SHOWS!! such as Big Brother, deprive your intellect for hours on end, simply tune in!
*whisky - i admire anyone who can drink it!
*Cliff Richard
?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
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I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
I gotta include some pics of the moon on my page becase i love it!

It's a beautiful sight! And if you're in a place where u can see the stars too........amazing!
Some more moon!
And an orange moon!! (ok, ok, enough with the moon, i know!)
Now, getting a bit more serious about 'me' and my beliefs, here is THE TREE OF LIFE. I've never considered myself as a really religious person, though the teachings of the Qabbalah sit easily with me because they are very close to my own philiosophy :-)

Here is a little more information on it: The word Qabbalah finds its root in the Hebrew word Qibel meaning 'to receive by oral tradition'.
Qabbalah refers to an oral tradition of esoteric or secret knowledge concerning 'essentially' the mysteries of Nature, and more overtly, the hidden teachings concerning the Hebrew Torah. The Torah is, of course, the first five books of what Christians call the Old Testament, and the oldest surviving of the Judaic liturgical texts.
The Qabbalah is an ancient Hebrew mystical system of thought. It is a symbolic representation of the path the Divine followed in the creation of the universe, including man. It is, by definition, humanity's process of returning to divinity along the same path.
WOW! Check out this awesome image!! Its entitled 'kabbalah' though i personally see no relevance to The Tree Of Life?! Ah well, looks groovy anyway!! Wouldn't wanna stare at it after i've had a few pints tho?!??!!
What's next?? Ah, thats right, ANGELS!! They're something i've only recently got into and have done a tiny bit of reserch on.
Its weird cos i just woke up one day and thought 'oooh, Angels?' They were just on my mind all day? I felt drawn to them somehow (Lord! How cheesy do i sound?!! HA! HA!).........either that or i REALLY HAVE lost the plot this time?!! Anyhow, i think they're beautiful and im fairly certain that they exist! Gives me hope i guess. ;-)
Palmistry - interesting stuff? Was never that keen on it though until i saw a 'psychic' who made a few predicitions just by looking at the tiny lines on the palm of my hand.........apparently i have a ''writer's fork??'' LOL! (I think that's meant to indicate a talent for writing) I'm still not sure if im entirely convinced, but i guess there's one way to see if she's right......wait and see!
Oh, and this is just a random pic representing my starsign, but i thought i'd post it up cos its pretty!
You are very Musical. It pretty much explains
itself. You love listening to music or creating
your own, be singing, playing an instrument, or
even just tapping your finger on the table.
Your good at making a song out of a lot of
things even a sentence. Your strong point in
school is band or chorus. Your job should be a
musician of some sort.
What Type of Intelligence do you have? 8 different results. -*-*-cool anime pictures-*-*-
brought to you by Quizilla
As far as physical preference for the opposite sex goes, I tend to deviate from the traditional idea of "tall, dark & handsome" and veer more towards "tall-ish & blond" look... therefore my *IDEAL* man would probably look something like this (including the hair):
... I'm a SUCKER for blondes. There - I said it! (blushes with embarrassment for sounding so shallow) I blame it on the creators of He-Man... it all started with a childhood crush on him...
*NOTE TO MY GROUCHY FRIEND ADRIAN: Listen up you overly-critical, sarky, emo git... i deliberately used the term ''ideal'' in my description of what i find attractive because the word is representative of my inner most fantasy. I do not, for one moment, think/believe that i shall ever meet a man like Mr. Brad Pitt; therefore my actual lack of such expectation hardly makes me a person of ''stratospherically high standards,'' as you so eloquently phrased it. An ideal is just that: - an IDEAL! I merely included a picture of Brad Pitt to offer some insight as to what the physical manifestation of my ''ideal man'' MIGHT look like. Having said that, to actually encounter a real, physical embodiment of all that i desire in a man (or THINK i desire?)... well, where would be the fun in that?! It would be perfection, and perfection is profusely dull and uninspiring. So, my overwhelmingly-pessimistic, deeply-intellectual buddy... in my final attempt to rebuke your psycho-analysis of me, i shall conclude my rant by saying that I am simply a young lady with admittedly high aspirations at times, yet tragically low EXPECTATIONS on the romantic front. Rant over. Love ya lots! :-)

My Interests

Oooh, I think i've covered a lot of things in the ''about me'' section, so apologies if I'm repeating myself!.........Music - big time!, movies, clubbing, gigging, going to festivals, chilling out with mates, parties (especially dress up ones!) socialising, meeting new and exciting people, photography art, reading, writing (i occasionally note things down in a diary) dancing, having a drink and a laugh with friends, painting/drawing, history, greek/roman mythology, astrology, astronomy, tarot cards, rhunes, and anything else to do with the occult!!, travelling and seeing cool new places, and lotsa other stuff..........

I'd like to meet:

Other friendly, sociable, open-minded individuals. People who aren't afraid to think in orignal ways, and express those thoughts/opinions. Makes conversation much more fun!! :)


Erm, a mixture of stuff really but mainly alternative/grunge/funk/hard rock/prog rock etc... here are some of my faves:

Red Hot Chili Peppers
John Frusciante
Queens Of The Stone Age
Funeral For A Friend
A Perfect Circle
Pearl Jam
Chris Cornell
Rage Against The Machine
Jeff Buckley
Jose Gonzales
Foo Fighters
3 Doors Down
The Mars Volta
The Beatles
Damien Rice
Jack Johnson
Tracy Chapman
Rolling Stones
Deep Purple
Led Zeppelin
Dire Straits
Pink Floyd
Goo Goo Dolls
The Kooks
and so on..........


Fight Club
Con Air
Forrest Gump
Weird Science
The Green Mile
Blade 1 & 2
The Terminator
Minority Report
Donnie Darko
The Butterfly Effect
A Beautiful Mind
Pulp Fiction
He-Man: The Masters Of The Universe
Flash Gordon (and other cheesy '80s flicks!)
also am a huge fan of DISNEY!....especially ''The Little Mermaid!!'' My fave Disney film of all time!!


Don't actually watch that much telly these days but here are some favourites:
Little Britain
Desperate Housewives
CSI: Vegas (Grissom is a Sex God!)
Sex And The City
House (Hugh Laurie- adorable!)
Prison Break - hooked on it at the mo!!
DOCUMENTARIES on anything and everything!! (I swear im turning into a geek?!) I guess my mind is just a little TOO curious?!!


The Secret Lives of Marilyn Monroe

A Prayer for Owen Meany (LOVE this book! It soooooo good that it made me laugh AND cry!)

Sophie's World

The Catcher in the Rye (another fab book! The character is so like me its unreal?!)

and a book im reading at the mo: 'What could he be thinking...' -tries to explain WHY the male brain works the way it does. -gives me jokes, its very amusing! :-D


Hmmmmmm, really not into worshiping other people, so no heroes in that respect. Though my role model would be Queen Elizabeth I.........She rocked!! This lady was and still is the epitome of ''girl power!'' She was strong-willed, stubborn, intelligent, independent, fierce, fiesty, fiery, etc......hey! sounds just like me! (he-he!) ;-)

My Blog

Why are men weird?

1) Yesterday, whilst at work, I had a man compliment me on.... wait for it.... my EYEBROWS?! Never had that before... Usually men go for bums, legs or boobs, or all 3.... but "you've got beautiful eye...
Posted by Ines on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 04:11:00 PST

Love & Sentimentality

Last night I watched "Forrest Gump" on TV. It still made me weep even though I've seen it before. I don't know what's wrong with me lately, I'm unusually sensitive. If you knew me, then you would know...
Posted by Ines on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 07:15:00 PST

Camden, Poets & JD

Ahhhhhhhhhhh I feel hungover today. Last night i went out clubbing in Camden with a few friends. I can't believe i've never ventured there before! (Except going to Camden market during the day.) ...
Posted by Ines on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 04:48:00 PST

Thinking too much again

I just got back from an evening out with my friend. We went to see "Casino Royale" which was definitely... different to the other Bond movies. Even the Bond theme took on a new direction wit...
Posted by Ines on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 07:33:00 PST

Check out the HalfMoon!

Last night I went out to the HalfMoon pub in Putney. It was great! I was very impressed with the 'acoustc night' and the range of talented people who put on such a good show. (Oh, ...
Posted by Ines on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 11:22:00 PST

Bored and feeling faint

Its Friday night and im blogging whilst cringing at celeb BB! (Lord knows why im watching it, i don't usually) Anything to numb the mind, and BB meets the criteria. It has bee...
Posted by Ines on Fri, 27 Jan 2006 03:56:00 PST

18 hours of WTF??!!

Here I am, staying up late yet again. It has been a strange couple of days....... The highlight of my Saturday was standing on Battersea bridge watching the British Divers Marine Life Rescue team...
Posted by Ines on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 09:35:00 PST

Hmm, gotta be the black&white...definitely!

This test only has one question, but it's a very important one. By giving an honest answer, you will discover where you stand morally. No one else will know, so you won't be fooling anyone but yoursel...
Posted by Ines on Wed, 14 Dec 2005 10:57:00 PST

He-Man the movie

Oh yeah................''He-Man'' the movie is in the making as we speak!! Can't wait for it to come out!! Bound to be well cheesy! Starring the guy who played Samantha's toy-boy boyfriend in ''sex an...
Posted by Ines on Fri, 18 Nov 2005 08:39:00 PST