day to day things i like... boxes, bowls with quarters and pencils and pens in them, fire, a made bed, old luggage, tony kushner, bob dylan on my wall, a latern i got from my mom, my desk made in Hamlet N.C., the idea of eating in the morning, most everything burgess says or does, short days and long nights, loud music, makeout playlists, graduating, candels in reflections, boys who like boys, black sketch books, my sister, london, the idea of having a studio apt. good film things i don't like... -people who pretend to have alot of knowledge about music -people at parties who i went to highschool with who try to make conversation about music or books or film like they weren't complete assholes before i was cool and i was always cool...i just kept that to myself - when the sun starts to come up and i haven't gone to sleep - tea cup dogs...they can't even really stand up...please stop breeding them. - republicans - most radio d.js - Walmartthats it. wow.
people that are nice to animals and agree with things i say/ people i already know/ cuz these days you never do know/ something real.. i don't know...of course something real..don't waste my time/ every breath is closer to that big gulp of happy river water so..mean it /now/ when your here and love/ love some.Take the quiz:
Which Dead Rock Star Are You?
Jeff Buckley
You are Jeff Buckley! You're influential to many young and old, and very talented. You have charisma and grace that sets you a part from many. You are beautiful! Oh, he died in 1997 from a drug-induced drowning in the Mississippi River.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
postal service, pavement, outkast, damien rice, modest mouse, pink floyd, bob dylan, cecilia and copono, old bruce springsteen, joni mitchell, fleetwood mac. radiohead, mum, death cab for cutie, tom petty and the heartbreakers, tina turner, elvis, bread, the cars, beck, squarepusher, janis joplin, frank sinatra, james taylor, the pretenders, yeah yeah yeahs, ani difranco, billy joel, violent femmes, the vines, bob marley, hot hot heat, aretha franklin, fiona apple, sig ros, greatful dead, 2pac, nina simone, nick drake, talking heads, TOTO, frou frou, the strokes, sarah vaghn, billy holiday, miles davis, stan getz, the band, belle and sebasitain, muddy waters, jeff buckley, the beatles, elton john, eternal sunshine st, pretty woman st, big chill st, the dells, ottis redding, the ink spots, new edition, chopin, simon and garfunkel, crazin', of montreal, the unicorns, cursive, portishead, elliot smith, the cure, mouse and the moose, the books, david gray, camera obscura, loveage, led zepplin, philip glass, mars volta, jon allen, regina, broken social scene, nirvana,sam cook, buddy holly, the killers, get up kids, pop unknown, audioslave, foo fighters, phantom planet, weezer
pocket full of miricles, some like it hot, the dreamers, kill bill (preferrably vol. 1), die hard, jaws, the faces, the suitcase, red dragon, silence of the lambs (better than red dragon), the big chill, dogville, alice doesn't live here anymore, in america, angels of america,Marie Antoinette, Lost in Translationi hate closer. its a play. its a much better play. and she looks like a horse. you know who i'm talking about.
sabine, the plague, written on the body, inferno, the feminine mystique, the violin, heart breaking work of stagering genius, you shall know our velocity, lot 49, select poems nikki giovani, walt whitman's leaves,hard revolution, representations of the intellectual, e. e. cummings selected poetry, xiape, the alchemist, true lies (GNN, Seperate Peace, Lolita, The Perks of being a W.flower
...people who realize themselves or have come close to the fire
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