We have a message, and fashion is our method of relaying it to the world. Our message is to mask yourself from negativity, and through that principle, flight can be achieved. "GAS'D" is not bound by one community or one lifestyle, it is the combination of numerous lifestyles. One may ask themselves why the word "GAS'D". Gas is used everyday as fuel that brings energy into well made machines. We as a people are also well made machines with many talents and abilities. We too need that fuel, that energy, that drive to succeed and grasp the dreams that appear untouchable. There are many negative influences among us and until we mask ourselves, we will succumb to these influences.We are entrepreneurs first, we want to bring art and uniqueness back to the fashion industry. We are a clothing line born of the people and strive off our relationship with the public. "GAS'D" bridges over races, cultures, and ideas. This is what sets us apart among the many.We see life as a one way path. Forward is our only option. Success is our goal, Art is our passion