Horror movies , Music, Art,Gaming and Photography FKN GUITAR HERO!When people say "pone", they sound like a complete fag, and I’m not cool with being a fag, so I pronounce it "own"
David Vanian, Chris Millar, Bruce Campbell, Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff, Sam Raimi, George A. Romero,KNB,Peter Murphy,Daniel Ash,Gary Day,Boz Bozzer,Dario Argento,Lucio Fulci,Christian Bale,Tom Savini,Peter Jackson, Quentin Tarantino,Tim Burton, Mike Ness, Stephen P. Morrissey, and
Dave Attell.
mostly late 70's and 80's .new/dark wave,Industrial,goth,psychobilly,Horror punk.
I am a horror movie fanatic, I collect both old and new movies (DVD and VHS....Laser Disc anyone???), I enjoy older horror movies: early 1900's, 60's,70's and 80's alike. Some of my favorite directors are John Carpenter,Dario Argento,George A. Romero,Lucio Fulci,Sam Raimi,Tim Burton,Takashi Miike,Takashi Shimizu,Hideo Nakata,Peter Jackson,Sean S. Cunnignham,Tod Browning,James Whale,Stephen King, and Quentin Tarantino. Hopefully I can make use of this obsession and use it in life; film critic,director,writer, movie F/X...who knows?
AMC,BRAVO,SciFi,Cartoon Network,Travel Channel,National Geographic Ch,TLC,and Turner Classic Movies
Books? what is this "books" you speak of?