Beauty found in unexpected places, artistic expression, human interaction, stories, |experiences that challenge my sense of perspective|, technology: new and old, whimsey, the unusual, certain types of irony, things that are |rather preposterous|, traveling & moving: cars - boats - planes - hang gliders etc..., design & creativity, art: fine and not necessarily as fine, movies & film, music: listening to - creating & playing - |Guitars| - musical instruments, Books & literature, |Hiking|, camping, water: lakes - rivers - ponds etc..., escapism, |Video Games| esp. Nintendo & Classic/Old stuff - Mario - Sonic - Tetris etc..., |Life|, |The Universe|, |Everything|.
People with a zeal for life. I'd also like to hang out at an amusement park and ride the roller coasters with Steve Jobs, George Lucas, and Shigeru Miyamoto.
Melody and Rhythm. The Beatles, Tom Waits, Kaki King, Yanni, They Might be Giants, Sheryl Crow, Weird Al, Metallica.
Harmonies and unusual sound combinations that are emotionaly stimulating and resonate with the passion of the soul of the artists that created them, Native and Ethnic music. But really as long is it makes me smile or think, it's cool.
Films that have a little of everything (but not necessarily something for everyone); Star Wars, Back to the Future, Lost in Translation, Gattaca, THX 1138, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, I Heart Huckabee's, Hayao Miyazaki's animated features, Kurosawa, Cary Grant, Alfred Hitchcock, Charlie Kaufman, Sandra Bullock, and last but not least: The Long Kiss Goodnight.
Star Trek TNG and Nowhere Man on DVD
Currently reading the Earthsea Trilogy by Ursula Le Guin. It's amazing. also:Motherless Brooklyn by Johnathan Lethem, and I highly recommend that too. ALSO: John Grisham, Michael Crichton, the Hitchhiker's Guide series, Dr. Suess, Classic Si-Fi etc...
People who are comfortable in their own skins