Steph Vicious profile picture

Steph Vicious

About Me

a. my name is Stephanie
b. im a firm believer that billy martin is the sexist man alive
c. one of the best friends i have ever had is now my gaurdian angel, and although i know he's in a way better place the thought of him still brings me to tears sometimes. most times
d. im a junior in college majoring in philosophy
e. i love music
f. although rock music is my life, i still have a sick obsession with boy bands (bsb,nysnc,otown,hanson,ect),and im not ashamed of it at all.
g. i honestly think somewhere in the world a village is missing its drug addicted idiot and that i found him, his name is rush limbaugh.
h. if i could meet anyone in history i would choose jesus christ,john f. kennedy, & sid vicious.
i. whenever im really excited about something my voice gets extremely high pitched.
j. i cry when i see people suffering from serious illnesses,whether i know them or not.
k. i try my hardest not to judge people.
l. i make a lot of mistakes.
m. i have more than enough self-esteem issues.
n. i cry when i hear sappy love songs.
o. my favorite phrase is "sell crazy somewhere else lady,we're all stocked up on it here." and hope to use it in serious context one day.
p. i set high standards for myself and get extremely disappointed in myself when i dont meet them.
q. i have high test anxiety
r. i can be extremely jealous,but have a hard time showing emotion/expressing feelings verbally to people.
s. people often label me before they even meet me or take the time to talk to me.
t. i hate my job
u. i value the people in my life most that can make me laugh
v. i admire people who die for what/who they love, but would kill for no one.
w. im on myspace way too often.
x. i trust way too easily.
y. im very shy but i love meeting new people
z. the scene aesthetic makes my heart melt.
aa. i love playing in the rain and the snow.
bb. i've met some of my heros,avenged sevenfold, once and it wasnt as great as i pictured it.but i still respect them.
cc. i learn things really fast.
dd. i kiss my hand and touch the ceiling at yellow lights.
ee. i cant help but laugh hysterically when i see people trip and fall..but i do try really hard to hold it in.
ff. im obsessed with dt dr pepper.
gg. i have a mild case of o.c.d.
hh. i have panic attacks when i see spiders or when hobos come walking up to deathly afraid.
ii. i feel as though no one will ever reallyunderstand me.
The greatest achievement is selflessness.
The greatest worth is self-mastery.
The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.
The greatest precept is continual awareness.
The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.
The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways.
The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.
The greatest generosity is non-attachment.
The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.
The greatest patience is humility.
The greatest effort is not concerned with results.
The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.
The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests


♥my firing squad
♥Avenged Sevenfold.
♥The Used
♥William Dean Martin♥
♥Zach Braff
♥meeting new people
♥going to concerts
♥ jungle juice
♥not being at work
♥showing up late to/missing/doing other homework in class.
♥being badass.
♥funny accents
♥jack mcfarland and karen walker
♥skank dancin'
♥conan o'brien and dane cook
♥lifetime movies
♥m.shads hot ass.
♥holding converstations using im slang...i.e.'''brb''wtf''btw'ect.

-the crap that is evanessence
-gas prices
-Paris hilton
-spelling errors
-alliterated myspace names

I'd like to meet:

my love.




♦♥the notebook♥
♦Stand By Me
♦alpha dogs
♦Rocky Horror Picture Show
♦Sid and Nancy
♦Spiderman 3
♦The Breakfast Club
♦Cinema Paradisio
♦donnie darko
♦the temptations
♦as good as it gets.
♦Sixteen Candles
♦Pretty in Pink
♦Life is Beautiful
♦Nightmare Before Christmas
♦Cry Wolf
♦Y Tu Mama Tambien
♦How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
♦Brokeback Mountain
♦Walk the Line
♦Maybe Memories
♦Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
♦Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
♦Mysterious Skin
♦little miss sunshine
♦the first 30 minutes of House of 1000 Corpses
♦American History X
♦American Psycho
♦Cruel Intentions
♦Saw 1,2,and 3,
♦Ten things i hate about you
♦Requiem for a dream
♦boondock saints
♦slc punk!


Supernatural.Daily Show.Colbert Report.Will and Grace.Family Guy.


"A Grief Observed" by C.S. Lewis.
"The Great Gatsby" by F.Scott Fitzgerald
"Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoyevsky


i miss him.
rest in peace,my friend.
diggeredoo,i ♥ Eu..gene!:) he's not only my bff&e but he is my sanity.

i ♥ them him too.