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Blade™ [Engaged/Training]

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    " Time has been a theif for too long; I promise you, when I have the chance, I will no longer hesitate... "Hello there, General Melissa Matsudai , at your service. I’m known as the Blade Alchemist and I’ve been studying Alchemy for the longest time. Since I was.. 10. I work decently well with any element you throw at me, Except Darkness. I .. don’t really work well with that. My Weakness? Well, you’d have to figure that out on your own. I will use Alchemy whenever I feel like it honestly, But most of the time I have tendency to just use my Blades. Alchemy takes too much Energy, plain and simple. I've also taken a role as a teacher for many young alchemists, guiding them further through alchemy. Teaching is fun, It's not so bad at all. I'm a swordsman, but I know martial arts as well. In all honesty, I do martial arts a lot more then I use my alchemy. If you want to know the truth.. on a scale 1- 10 my attacks rate a 7 in power, but my speed makes up for that. I specialize in Wushu(1900), any true martial artists, I'll be glad to give them a challenge. I will normally use 2 swords at a time during a battle, and I would pop in a few daggers every now and then, Giving myself a choice to chose between close range weapon, or far range weapon. My Blades have been customized by, yours truly. I'd know whether or not they're mine, because I have tagged each and every one of them with my mark as I transmute them. I'm a swordsman that's seen and mastered many styles. I do not use a specific sword style, I alternate between what I believe to be best to use in the situation. If I were to use the same style, over and over, you people would figure me out easily, no? Also, With the use of some alchemy, I was able to make it do a variety of things as it braces impact. I don't normally use alchemy as my main weapon, usually I'd use it as an amplifier, or an adjuster to make my weapons fit my wish. I have a tendency to play around with elements as I battle as well, so It might be tossed in there somewhere with my blades. I use gloves, but I don't exactly need them, but I use them anyway. I have runes imprinted upon my wrists, but they can not be seen. I also have some help from a mark upon my back. My Strength, are my strategies, brute force isn't how I work. Though, I do have times where I'm totally reckless, and don't think at all.. But, I try to keep to that to a limit.. When I work, at all times, I carry one pistol, with one magazine, 2 daggers that are usually in my sleeves, and my gloves. I’m .. really stubborn, I sometimes have a short temper, I don’t give up so easily at all, and I’m pretty reckless at times. Riza even calls me a “Stubborn Mule,” So you can see where I’m coming from when I say. “ I’m really stubborn.” I’m pretty blunt, but I have a fun side as well that comes out every other day or so. Just depends on how I feel. Do I get my work done? Sometimes.. I procrastinate a lot, and I tend to get into trouble when I do that. But, over all, yes I do get my work done when I need to. As a General, my work consists of Paperwork- Paperwork, and a lot of other things. What are those things? Well, I happen to be one of the Generals whose main job is to deal with Incoming, and out going State Alchemists. I train them, I send them to where they should go, or want to go, I decide which wing, unit, or sector they stay, be removed, or sent to. My concerns are to be, and only should stay, to State Alchemists, and nothing more. However, I do take on some of those assignments that are out of my 'main focus,' but It matters not. My past? I had parents, but they were murdered by the time I was 10. So, I stayed with my brothers.. They taught me a lot about Alchemy, and so did my childhood friend Jeremy. But, getting taught a certain type of alchemy, I was exposed to it’s dangers, and I was then scarred with it for the rest of my life, physically and mentally. Soon after my brothers left, and I went into Central to stay with Jeremy. We got thrown into The Ishbalan war though, and I lost him there. Though, he’s alive now, but unfortunately, there’s no one to thank for that.. Now- I’m in the military, and I protect those I care so dearly about.. Not just that, but I also study- and look for the truth of why I’ve been scarred. My alchemy.. is one of a kind.. and I am one of the two That has ever dared to use this alchemy. I'll be the last throughout history.. I will not teach anyone This alchemy, no one.. it's not worth being passed on for. Even the most greedy man, that has hunger for power, would agree if he knew what it did to him. As my time comes, I'll take this alchemy down with me.. It shall not burden anyone, anymore.. I am a parent, a parent to 2 kids. I have 1 girl, and one boy.Tyler, the oldest, and Kaitlyn the youngest. I'm a pretty laid back person, and I tend to not care about a lot of things, unless they concern me.. I just don't find the reason for bugging into business that I shouldn't need to worry about. Paperwork tends to bore me a lot of the times, not because it's an endless pile of text (which it is) but, because it never seems to interest me. If it does- It's usually something that only lasts so long.. I- drink. I like to drink. It helps me- release stress. However, I'm aware that the stuff is crap for your body, so I stopped with the "Getting drunk," issue.. I'm actually trying to lay back on the liquor, but- I Still tend to drink it, almost as often as any of you would eat ice cream. You'd often find me drinking either Coffee, Juice, tea, or some form of alcohol, not all the time- but as .. a "pick me up," maybe? My family and Friends- Oh wow, they’re the best! I’m not even exaggerating! Riza Hawkeye- She’s my best friend, and she always will be. She’s like.. An older sister to me, and she is pretty stubborn herself, a great sharp shooter, and even if we’re at each other’s necks, we always forgive each other. We’ve seen so much together, and I’ll continue to watch her back, and be there for her until the end. Brea Lynn, the sarcastic ass, but.. a true Friend non the less. She brings many smiles despite her cranky, attitude, and what seems like talent for mockery. At least to me. She's a cranky old bitch with a pompous know-it-all attitude a great Friend.. Very. All my friends are something special to me- and I’ll never hesitate to give my life so that they could have theirs. They’re just that important to me. My Family is great as well! My mother Majora and Aunt are truly something else for sure! I have so many brothers and sisters, I don’t even want to TRY to name them all! I guess you can say my Mother just loves kids. She adopted many- including me. But, I’m her first kid! So I feel special… (xD) There are many adopted family members in my family, but there are also ones that were born into the family as well. Just, again… to many to name. So- That’s pratically all I have to say, want to learn more about me? Good luck with that.


    My Blog


    >>Profile best viewed on Firefox.I am the FIRST on Myspace to ever Recolor Riza, But I do not RP as Riza herself. I use her pictures, and then recolor them to use for my own character. You could use a...
    Posted by Blade™ [Engaged/Training] on Sun, 04 May 2008 07:10:00 PST

    Voice Comment

    Give me a voice comment :3 ...
    Posted by Blade™ [Engaged/Training] on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 07:28:00 PST

    Gaia Anyone?

    Looks like Cloud Finally got me into Gaia. Well, I tried it one night, and I Will admit..I was Rather lost..Im still rather lost actually. But Anyone who has Gaia, Tell me. I'll Add you =)  ...
    Posted by Blade™ [Engaged/Training] on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 09:54:00 PST