___**Non judgemental**tolerance**generosity**compassionate**4giver**A
love of beauty n peace**sensitive n gentle-less protective armor**imaginative dreamer at heart**4more emotional empathic**intuitively knows dat der s much more 2 life than what can b measure n material*
*concrete terms.good listener**understanding**open minded**adaptable n flexible receptive 2many points of view n ideas**creative**quite changeable n fluid n sometimes inconsistent**i often prefer 2 simply take n lots of idea n ponder them 4 a long time b4 offering a points of view**sometimes people finds me enigmatic n ineffable**eclectic n approach**n s sensitive 2 a wider spectrum of ideas n feelings**more willing 2 accept ambiguities n complexities**Gentle 2soothe**heal**a provider a santuary from the word at competing n achieving**i learn that man can't live by love alone..u need 2 add some recipe n ur life not just honey**i hate naive person**im passivity**much like disire 2 escape rather than confront life n its challenges n an inability 2 set bounderies or limits**Dislike-pettiness**limitation such budgets**diet**schedules**..etc.**most of all-**GOD This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor