My interest is varied. I like people--I like to see them enjoy life as it was meant to be enjoyed. My interest is to enjoy life and to find the beauty that is evident and not so evident in others and the world around me. My interest is learning more about me and who I am in God's plan.
One of my best friends, Karen, once said that she knew how to recognize her perfect mate, and that was when she could help her serve God better. I thought that made a lot of since, not just for a perfect mate but for anyone. I would like to meet people who can help me serve God better regardless of their history, nationality, social status, or religion. (I enjoy when my ideas are challenged
Love It.
Animated GIFs
I love comedies and movies that are able to "show" a character and a relationship. I don't like movies that promote the supposed "good" in evil or the supposed superiority of "evil" over good. I have no problem believeing that the manifestations of good and evil take place around us everyday, I don't need Hollywood playing the Devils advocate by glorigying Sin.
I don't watch a lot of television but when I do, it is pretty much one channel. The History Channel.
I don't read as much as I use to, but I am trying to read more these days.
My heros are first the defenders of our faith, Christ, his disciples, and I have a number of good friends who are heros to me. (Paul Kelley, Karen Phillips, Steve Diggs, Jan and Jr.Headrick, Rene Mckee--man this list could go on and on. I have been blessed with meeting some really strong and courageous people.