Basketball, Boxing, Weight lifting, jogging, chillen, Action movies, Arizonas, Laughter, music, slurpees, Carmellos, sour patch kids, cookies and cream protien shakes, Hot showers, Water Basketball, Friends, myspace, Manhunt, clothes, Dan Brown Books, Using my cam corder to make funny videos, photoshoots, pool, Real Estate, singing into the fan lol, Black Jack, Poker, Chinese Food, Lays extra crunchy bar-b-q potato chips cook in sun flower oil mm mm mm, massages, Pitbulls, Paintball, Buying clear bootleg movies lol, learning new things, Watermelons, Real fruit ice cream, Cooking, Baking, playing with matches, Living life to the fullest, Fashion, Money, Diamonds, Arcades, SUPERMAN!!!
I listen to mostly everything. Hip-Hop, Reggae, Rock, Country, Pop, and ofcourse my favorite genre of music R and B. Sorry for all you Reggaeton lovers but I can't stand it and for you Techno lovers I can't stand that'm not trying to sound picky with music but with techno, the beat just annoys me after a while and with raggaeton, it all sounds the same... width="425" height="350" ....
I love movies that contain action, comedy, and crazy twists. I also like to watch chick"Come on now who doesn't watch chick flics."
Ofcourse my favorite television show smallville..Disney, MTV, BET, The History channel, T.V guide, The weather channel, E!, VH1, The NBA Channel, UPN, WB, HBO, Nickolodean, Cartoon Network, Fox, CBS, and The Animal Channel.
The Da Vinci code, Mice and Men, Deception Point, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet and Black Boy.
My parents ofcourse and Kobe Bryant for making me feel like the only one that can stop me from getting to where I want to be at is me. And oh yeah, Superman