kate le quirk profile picture

kate le quirk

walk weird, b!

About Me

stop eating animals, for goodness sake

what about me, yo? i'm a unique'n and i like to be alone. most people drain me, but i heart animals and my pillow, billie. i also heart liberal politics :)

My Interests

i like the following: me, politics, golden girls, abc family daytime, writing songs, blogging, occasionally strumming my outlandishly expensive geetar, drinking water, tennis, baseball.

I'd like to meet:

the one and only, sandy poops, jesus, joan of arc, president al gore, the cat from "breakfast at tiffany's", and fellow peace-loving individuals.


the cranberries, bruce springsteen, janis joplin, melissa etheridge, tori amos, elvis, sarah mclachlan, sophie b., alanis, and others...


fargo, troop beverly hills, serial mom, a league of their own, ghost, the mighty guffman show trilogy.


golden girls, step by step, ellen, anything billie's in, desperate housewives, martha, family feud, match game, WEEDS!!!


stone butch blues


monica seles
joan of arc
melissa etheridge
alice paul
b*ll*e jean king
corky st. claire
mitch and mickey
nancy botwin
cody lambert
my grandma
cookie guggelman fleck

My Blog

primary feelings

hi blog. so, the following is my primary blog. it's more controlled than i thought it'd be. then again, when the time comes for me to show some intelligence, i usually don't fail. lolz. anyway, i'm so...
Posted by kate le quirk on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 07:34:00 PST

do you hair what i hair? (withvideo)

shitlins, blog. when i thunk up that blog title in the car this afternoon, i laughed HARD.  this'll be a quick blog. dear myspace girl who stole my hair, i'm very upset. i'm usually very laid-bac...
Posted by kate le quirk on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 04:38:00 PST

what’s with these homies dissin’ my girl

blog, i just noticed that black people's lips are brown. wasssssssssssssup?  it's the weekend, man. i wake up so freakishly early now. you know who i haven't mentioned lately? martha.  i sa...
Posted by kate le quirk on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 05:34:00 PST

penis schmenis!

suppety sup, sup? sup, blog? it's the weekend. but unfortunately, i'm unable to ratchet up any anger for ya this time. i feel relatively calm and unbothered, probably because i haven't looked at dail...
Posted by kate le quirk on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 03:31:00 PST

pushed over the edge: the feminist units break out

how do you do, blog? i'm alright, "enjoying" the 2nd day of my 5 day "vacation." yesterday was no fun. i went to the neurologist, who actually wasn't indian, and i have to get MORE blood taken and h...
Posted by kate le quirk on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 10:21:00 PST

teal scarves & scattered grenades

bloggy! omg, look at this morning blog! so, sup, blog? does it shake well? speaking of shaking, i made myself a beverage yesterday in a shaker and the top piece came off and i got lemonade/strawberry...
Posted by kate le quirk on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 07:20:00 PST

dearest idiocrat democrats

what's going on, blog? nice to see you. how are ya? i'm fine, just angry. while i'm angry, i'm not angry enough to cast my primary vote for the one i defend below. albert, my vote goes to thee. dear...
Posted by kate le quirk on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 03:46:00 PST

three muskets and some tears

bold and orange, baby! hey blog. happy 2008, man! omg, can you believe 2007 is gone already? i can. 2007 turned out to be a decent year for me. i hope 2008 is a decentER year. i know 2008 will be a be...
Posted by kate le quirk on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 04:16:00 PST

twas the wednesday night of her dreams

sup, bloggington? how it is?  holy effin' shit, how cute am i as santa?well, anyway, i haven't died yet from a stroke. it's good. however, i have hand cancer now. hopefully, the bandaid will cure...
Posted by kate le quirk on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 05:31:00 PST

loving you is easy

because you're not a human being with ugly genitalia, blog.      hey blog. what's going on, man? happy december 9th 2007. how glad am i to have off tomorrow? (very). i'm fond of nothing...
Posted by kate le quirk on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 07:45:00 PST