CHECK OUT MY BLOG http://romanfitness.blogspot.comI am doing real estate in New York City i love that, looking to connect with other real estate professionals around the world.
If you are looking for real estate property in nyc you can ask me about it anything you want . will gladly help.I was waiting for this for a while.i am now working for one of the most successful hedge fund in the country,
for the last 4 years they have been doubling their clients investment every year year.
its a new hedge fund.
If you are looking to invest contact me for more info on that.
So here goes a little about me ...i love working out, and help other to get their goals.
I am simple, uncomplicated....down to earth
Love to travel for both fun and business.
I am generally a happy person and wish all those around me to be happy and content as well.
I am not demanding and don't ask nothing in return.
I am laid back and low key and try to live my life how I want to live--not how others want me to live. I am independent yet like the comfort that a special person brings and adds to my life.
The gym is one constant in my life. Regardless of all else, that never varies. I train by myself and for just an hour a day excluding cardio. (training tip: start doing cardio for 20-30 minutes immediately after your work out you will burn double the fat that way...true bodyfat buster!) .
i try to live by treating each person as special and having something to offer.
Life's about connections, interactions.....
Find focused, career-minded and successful individuals sexy.
working in ah hedge fund and real estate. contact me regarding each of those.LOOKING TO CONNECT WITH REAL ESTATE BROKERS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD.
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