letters. liprings. liars.
alexisonfire. alkaline trio. atom and his package. ben kweller. brandnew. bright eyes. circle takes the square. cursive. death cab for cutie. desaparecidos. fear before the march of flames. franz ferdinand. fugazi. funeral for a friend. glass jaw. hawthorne heights. hot rod circuit. jamison parker. mars volta. mewithoutyou. mineral. modest mouse. motion city soundtrack. nation of ulysses. now its overhead. piebald. q and not u. reggie and the full effect. saosin. starlight mints. sunny day real estate. taking back sunday. the blood brothers. the early november. the faint. the matches. the postal service. the shins. the yeah yeah yeahs. thursday. weezer.
fight club. donnie darko. elephant. ghost world. resevoir dogs.
south park. best week ever. strangers with candy.
foreign movie subtitles and anything by augusten burroughs.
conor oberst.