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Here on earth I am really cool dude who just also happens to be known as a singer-songwriter/arranger/producer/engineer/DJ/Vocal Coach for JahRock'n Productions. I like to think of myself as a sound designer here in our world. If I travelled to other worlds, on Jupiter I'd be known as the Manipulator. On Saturn, they'd call me the ShapeShifter. On Uranus, the Automator. On Mercury and Venus, the Incubator and the Conductor. So, please, don't even think about calling me a beatmaker!
I've recently GRADUATED from the intensive Audio Technology program at SAE(www.saeny.com) where I ranked somewhere at the top (I believe I'm 6th). It's a huge accomplishment for me, especially coming from one being forever known as a Jack of all trades and master of none. I was always a good producer just like Michael Jordan was always a good ball player in the NBA, but just like his second comeback with the bulls, I'm much stronger!
I thank everyone (God first and foremost) for all the support, prayer and love towards me during this time. You guys believed in me when no one else would. You guys saw past my talents and knew the real me. You taught me the value of hard work and discipline and how they walk hand in hand with talent and genius. I am now prepared to set my sights on reaching and eventually surpassing my own potential. Your faith in me allowed me to move mountains of self-pity, doubt and a whole bunch of other negatives. ("THERE IS NO SPOON...") I will not forget any of you no matter if I go broke or if I'm at the Grammy's. If I was Neo, many of you were Morpheus to me: responsible for unplugging me, prepping me and helping me master what was inside all along. You've guided me to the door, now I'm ready to walk through it. God has a special blessing in store for each one of you who took the time to help me up when I fell. You didn't have to, but I'm glad you did. Without you guys, I would be nothing.
I'd like to say a VERY special thanks to the naysayers, scoffers (look it up) and doubters. The ones who thought I wouldn't make it. You thought that I'd flake out or flunk out. You thought that I'd continue to be just a dude with lots of potential. Well, the days of potentiality and talent are over. Now it's all about surpassing my potential (and some of you cats as well)so that I can please God(tired of tryin' to please y'all), my family and everybody else, in that order. I know that my truest enemies will never reveal themselves to me. But I learned the sweet joy of mingling with my enemies because I know who they are (though they don't know that I do). Thanks for the patronizing comments, the sarcasm (which is always a cover up for something more venomous) and most importantly your fake show of support. I found a way to use that too. You guys kept me honest and made me work harder. I wouldn't have the edge that I do now if it wasn't for you.
So I thank you guys who believed in me; you were the spark. I thank you guys who didn't, cuz you all were the gasoline...
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