i like reading sci-fi and fantasy novels, shakespeare, dickenson, etc, writing fiction, writing poetry, acting, singing in the shower, listening to music, going to those crazy seattle concerts, cruising around in my big shiny car, saying mean things to stupid people, shopping (as is the life of all females), dreaming of all that life is and all it will be...
oh yes, and falling in love with musicians. i don't know why, but they are ever so hard to resist. right now i am ravenously in love with Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance. say what you will, that guy is hella sexy in the music videos.
Galileo... oh, wait, is he dead?
a few of my favorite bands/artists in no particular order: bowling for soup, system of a down (ozzfest rocks, man!), great big sea, barenaked ladies, simple plan, blink-182, flogging molly, beasty boys, the killers, clumsy lovers, carbon leaf, counting crows, my chemical romance (for their hot vocalist and angry music), fallout boy, panic! at the disco, and many, many others
the princess bride, mystery men, v for vendetta, stardust, little miss sunshine, the phantom of the opera, rent, all those old disney movies i still have on vhs, x-men, the fast and the furious (rediculous movies, but how can you not love the cars and the shirtless guys?), pan's labarinth, and on and on it goes
what tv? i have no free time for tv because i'm usually busy doing homework (bleck!)....well, sometimes. when i get the time, i do so adore watching that 70's show, the red green show, chuck, pushing daisies, frasier and seinfeld (they go together because if i'm staying up, why watch just one?)
oh so many books, so little time. i cannot begin to try and pick a favorite or even a top ten...but i'll just start pulling names from my head: "one flew over the coo coo's nest," "ferenheigt 451," "lord of the flies," "pride and prejudice," "blood and chocolate," "the snow queen," (sci-fi one, not the picture book), "the princess bride," "the silver kiss"......oh, and at risk of sounding like a nerd, i was wildly impressed with homer's "the illiad" and "the oddessy" and of course anything written by shakespeare.
batman. duh.