music ,sports anything that is interesting and not boring
nice people
I love rock ,but i don't listen only rock ,i like everything that has
i'm a horror addict,i love horrors,but i never watch them alone it's too scary.My favorite mouvies are Poltergeist(3,4),Nightmare(all),Twight light,Ring(all), 13 th floor,Gosth ship,Dead evil etc ,and i like comedies as well and thrilers.When i'm sad a dramma or a romance is welcomed
i almost never watch Tv but when i do ,i watch the mtv shows,like boiling points or dismissed etc.
well i go for everything that actually has a charm and it's interesting,like ''les miserables''or anything from Balzac,Great Expectations ,Jane Eyre ,Horrible but not horrified , Divina Comedie (Dante Alighery).I read poetry as well and at that criteria, i consider the best Eminescu..and of course the Holy Bible...