Ethan profile picture


Be warned, I may have a poisonous sting

About Me

Within me, lies doubt on seemingly still waters, questions with no answers like destiny or god? Comparing life itself to the endless vast ocean. Yet, believing that one brands a particular magic within their own hands, heightening our senses and thoughts, with each ring of ripple played. Born to a fixed water sign, I realise the word existence and survival, yet denying quietly and resourcefully against such pompous and self righteous dogma and brutality. Merely an age old practice of leading the deserving by the unqualified for their benefit.Be warned,I have an unexpected poisonous sting. Adapted and hidden beneath a false pretense of relenting, multiple facades to reveal their true agenda. When wearied of the harsheness of reality, i find myself seeking solace from my music. Playing a number of instruments like the violin, haunting melodies and moments lost in time with each string and note played. Electric sounds of my bass and lead E guitar doing wonders to periods of hidden angst, amazing myself even, sometimes. Sincerely, I am just looking for a warm touch, crystal clear laughs and the close comfort of a friend. Willing to do anything for their smiles of estacy. To know my true self is a challange, I am a mirror of images.. Yet, wouldn't you just want to know? Join me, let us reach the furthest reaches of the globe, Our globe..

My Interests

I enjoy most aspects of the arts, with a curiousity for each culture. Further interests include reading, knowledge, writing, buiness management, life science, mythology, body art, Cigs ;p, travelling, helping the less fortunate and animals, music, archery, pool and diving.

I'd like to meet:

Still, wouldn't you want to know?


Music is my greatest passion in life, I enjoy classics performed by the great composers of old such as Bach and Mozart or the modern fusions of today, Other genres include R & B, Hip hop and the Blues, Drums and bass or Trance when i club.


To be updated


To be updated


The Redemption of Althalus, Sophie's World, I am particularly fond of The God of Small Things and Girlfriend 44 . Literature classics, And to escape the confines of reality I often turn to books of magic and medieval times. Manga as well for the child in me


I have never believed in heroes, yet if I was given the chance to sculpt one anew. He would be just a man, giving his best and all in life no matter what anyone says otherwise. Wouldn't it be beautiful if all the children in this world could be heroes as long as they tried?