Fighting Arts, Fitness, Girls, Philosophy, literature, health, Polictics, Religion, Sex, Relationships, Technology, Movies, Music and anything that promotes progress and makes humanity better.
Damn uh what would I like to say. Anyone that I can click with and exchange ideas with. Who is cool and comfortable with themselves and don't front. Where ever they are or at. To add on that someone that is very intellengent, but smart enough or humble enough to know they don't know everything nor claim to. Someone like me{smiling} but not like me. You know what I'm talking about. Smiling
To be honest, I listen all kinds of music. That is heart felt and sincere. As long as the music has those elements. IT don't matter what style of music it is, whether it be hip hop, Rock, Country, Reggae it does not matter.
Kingdom of heaven, Crush, Rules of Attraction, Life force,Bourne mini series, Saw mini series, Fist of legend, Wheels on meals, Notebook, Slam, Love Jones, Storm riders and the list goes on. Smiling
like watching things that imform me on what's going on in the world. like the new. The other things I like is to watch are things that make me laugh, because in most cases I forget too. I'm very serious when I don't need to be.
The Best books so far that I have readyed Personally.~ THE FOUR AGREEMENTS by Don Miguel Ruiz- You won't dont get borded~ THE MASTERY OF LOVE by Don Miquel Ruiz really, really good~ THE ART OF SEDUCTION by Robert Greene haven't read all of it, though~ AWAKEN THE SLEEPING GIANT By Anthony Robbins it's good, but to longTHESE ARE THE CURRENT FOUR BOOKS THAT ARE GOOD, BUT DON'T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT, FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF.Other times Erotica and it helps me with my writing.
To be honest I don't look up to anybody nor seek to be like anybody, just to be a better MAN, FRIEND, FIGHTER, LOVER, HUMANITARN. If I did the would be Confucius, Socrates, Martin Luther King Jr. Anyone who is or was devoted to making life and the world alittle bit better.