Ev profile picture


System Addict...

About Me

There is nothing remotely smashing about me that warrants putting it on the internet to try to interest people. Don't get me wrong, I'm not doing myself an injustice and putting myself down for the sympathy vote, I'm alright like, I'm just not sure what's so worthy or distinguished to warrant a mention. Now that's just plain dull so I'm going to email my mates to get them to say something about me in oe sentence. That should be alright, eh? If not interesting, then at least vulgar...
And here they are...!
"Odd, musical, and a great beard-grower."
"Hairy and Gentle!!"
"Serial toilet spoiler."
"My own personal stalker and avoider of boyfriends eyes, the most harmless person i've ever met."
"Good guy... Not wank."
"Evan: Is A Place On Earth."
"My 2nd favourite Evan... looks a bit like Brian Blessed."
"Hairy, clumsy but generally alright and a bit of a guid singer too."
"Belle and Sebastian loving twat."
"Square faced schmoozer."
"best complexion ever! maybe he's born with it? but I think it's maybelline...Ev please return my shit!"
Well, I think that could have been a lot worse. I think...

My Interests

Clearly I spend too much time on the internet. I'm not even looking at porn or anything respectable. Jesus...

I'd like to meet:

Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake


Tom Waits, Belle and Sebastian, Elliot Smith, Radiohead, Ryan Adams, Pavement, 80's nonsense pop, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Jeff Buckley, Will Oldham, Clem Snide, Willard Grant Conspiracy, Jeff Buckley, The Delgados, Interpol, Johnny Cash, Plus Tech Squeeze Box, Flaming Lips, and any band that'll give me a solid slab of rawk music. You know it makes sense. Actually, let's be honest, I'm only listing the bands I like that make me look a wee bit credible. Who knows, I may go out and buy Peter Andre albums...


Maltese Falcon, The Big Sleep, Indiana Jones Trilogy, Animal House, Star Wars Trilogy (The first one's without a fucking CGI Jabba), Swingers, Spinal Tap, The Royal Tennenbaums, anything by the Coens (although I haven't seen Intolerable Cruelty so I reserve judgement on that one) any Monty Python Film.


Northern Exposure, Twin Peaks, Larry Sanders, Family Guy, Six Feet Under, a million comedys that I can't be arsed repeating here.


To Kill a mockingbird, Auster's New York Trilogy, Catch 22, The Big Sleep, Most James Ellroy's good as well.

My Blog

The Sex looks good... but looks can be deceptive!

Yes, the sex does look good. I gave it a wash over the weekend at it gleamed as if it had only done 135,000 miles when, as we all know, it has done 140,000...:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-mi...
Posted by Ev on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 03:42:00 PST

The Dan Band

I have to give a nod to my friend James who let me know that the "only" version of total eclipse of the heart was available on myspace.   Nice work.
Posted by Ev on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 08:57:00 PST

Music Video

Jangle films are making me a music video for my tune "Quiet Shinings" this coming weekend and I'm looking for help.On Sunday (7/1) we're filming at The Stand Comedy Club on Woodlands Road in Glasgow a...
Posted by Ev on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 11:54:00 PST

bloody questionnaires...

Now, to be honest, I barely ever post a blog entry as I'm almost positive I'll disappear up my own arse and I'm not sure if anyone will pay a blind bit of attention, but just in case, I'll soldier on....
Posted by Ev on Fri, 17 Mar 2006 02:38:00 PST

So some fuck has nicked my mobile

And it's not even got a camera on it or anything?? What happenned to taste? Anyway, obviously I'll not be contactable. Bet you're all crying into your cornflakes...
Posted by Ev on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

list of favourite lists...

Right, first things first. Closed my email account relating to this website, it was playing silly buggers and I was getting spammed up to my eyeballs. My page still seems to be working Ok but if I sud...
Posted by Ev on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


being the good host that I am I feel it my duty to do the decent thing and introduce everyone to each other. I now have officially more friends than anyone else on myspace (don't question it; I had No...
Posted by Ev on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Yes! The update is here!

Finally pulled my thumb out of my ass and emailed my "describe me in one sentence" question to my friends. I never told them what it was for until I got a reply so hopefully they're honest, and jusdge...
Posted by Ev on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Edinburgh Festival.

If anybody happens to stumble accross my page who's at the festival and you've seen something good, give me a shout. I'll start... Movin Melvin Brown... If you like soul (like, proper soul, none of...
Posted by Ev on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

b'day thing

DON'T REPLY ! but....... copy-paste, open 'post new bulletin', enter ur birthday & email too, then click 'post' just do it OK..... JANUARY 1= 2= sHiRLeY ([email protected]) 3= 4=...
Posted by Ev on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST