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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm strong enough to be weak, crazy enough to be a freak (at least a couple days a week). I like to dance beard to beard and cheek to cheek with a man, if this offends or makes you feel sick...feel free to leave fast enough to make a vapor trail streak. When the 'strong' are finally too tired and fall into a seat it will be the 'meek' still left up to dance and shuffle their feet to the new beat. I treat people fairly and repectfully. I try to give a balanced amount of trust and skepticizm to relationships. I like taking time to get to know people and feel things out naturally. I like everything from intellegent conversation to silly comedic babble. I equate a sense of humor with intellegence. You make me laugh and your a genius! I'm very direct, honest and blunt to a fault. I don't take antidepresants, perscription sleep aids or e.d. medications. I don't have hiv, lime disease, dry scalp or sweaty palms and intend to die without ever having had any of them. I am a vegetarian. Sexually I like big, burly, husky, chunky, bearish guys. And three became four, now life is never ever a bore. Happily hitched to Bearcake, my husband of 13 years, our boy Supersport bear (if your counting 4 years thus far) we now have the pleasure of calling Bojobear our sweetheart, just been a few months but how long is forever? We are all happier than what the word happy itself intended to mean, this is on a heavenly level. We are not open and are super committed and closed off to each other, thanks.

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Madonna, Andy Warhol, David Bowie, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost(myhardcrush) Jesus (if he exsisted), Parker Posie, Wes Anderson, Boy George, Leigh Bowery, Sara Silverman, Grace Jones, Sylvester, Your Mom (if she's hot in the pants),Freddy Mercury, John Waters, Frank Dicaro, George Harrison, John Lennon, Hilary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Kelly, Janis, Jimmy, Sid, Peaches(makesmypussyhard), Your Dad (if he's a bear of a man), John Cameron Mitchel, Wes Anderson, Bill Murray, Lou Reed, Nico, Tyra Banks, Niagra, Hedwig Shmidt, Spike Jonze, Angelica Huston, Jody Foster, Brad Pit, You (if your a special snowflake), Willie Nelson, Dolly Parton, Jack & Meg, Johnny, Joey, Tommy and Dee Dee, Rosanne Barr, A Pegacorn, Shaye St John, The reason guys have nipples too, Someone who doesn't think back hair is sexy (everyone does! GAWD) and also people that use the word gay as a bad thing, like saying 'That's Gay!' I love those people...that kind of outward show of security in ones sexuality is commendable, I can't wait till you make a girl cum only that could equal my happiness. Wouldn't a 'straight' guy want every other guy to be gay? It would seriously increase the chick to d*ck ratio...silly poon hounds...

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