Profile Edited by MPS MySpace Editor 2.0Moody, dark and a definate social anxiety dissorder. (alcohol helps alot with that). Very bad spelling skills. Lonely but happy. Horror movies make me horny. Especially bad B-rate 70's horror films. Panties and boobies are really funny words. And I love my cat Sean Conery. PBR is the best beer ever made. But I like the finer stuff too like Shlitz and Southern Crass. I have problems comming up with things to wear and getting my hair right. (Being a perfectionist really fucking sucks sometimes!) I love vaginas. They're fun to look at and play with and to put things in. I miss my parents and love them very much. I was taught manners and chivallry. Modern romance is still alive. I'm a musicall snob. Your music will allways suck! (Unless I like it then its good). Robert Smith is a fucking genius! So is Peter Murphy but only in Bauhaus. Litter bugs suck! So do people who don't wash their hands after they pee. I have a bit of OCD. But don't we all. (On! Off!, On! Off! - AM! PM!, AM! PM!). I love my gay friends and my straight friends. I love winter trees and the things they make me write about. Poetry is dead but not to me..... And what ever happened to Tommy Grand?
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